• Chapter Twenty •

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This morning has been great, fan-fucking-tastic kind of great.

I woke up with the most painful period cramps on this planet, I have a headache, my lower back is going through hell and my bed was stained with the blood of my uterus. Lovely.

I had to shower as soon as I stepped out of my bed and then afterward I had to change my bedding.

My body works weirdly. My period usually lasts nine days and my cycle is twenty-eight days, but I'm still slightly irregular. If I'm lucky I only get period cramps every two cycles, but it is as though the pain of what should have been the one month and then the next is rained soon me at once. 

To top it all of, I've been having an  overall anxious day.

The universe is out to get me.

On another note, I finished my first week of finals and I personally think that they went well. I was hoping that today, my one day off from studying, was going to be a good day.

I was wrong.

It was around two o'clock when I was pulled out of my self pity by the sound of my phone. I looked at the screen and a smile formed on my face.

Archie: Hey Ar. How are you?

Me: Hey. I feel like shit, thanks. And how are you?

Archie: Why, what's wrong?

Me: I started my period AND I'm having an anxious day. So it's just overall sucky.

Archie: Do you want to come over? I can take care of you😉

Archie: I can't come there, otherwise I would, but I'm babysitting the twins.

Me: Yeh, it might help to escape from my misery.

Archie: I'll come fetch you. I'm leaving now.

Me: Thanks, I'll see you soon. 😘

If this doesn't brighten my day up, then I'm not sure what will.

I have to change my clothes. I'm wearing my hobo-home-clothes, so I need to change into a more presentable look, otherwise Archer might realize that he's dating a hobo. I went with black leggings and a grey hoodie. Still comfortable, but appealing.

When I was finished getting ready I took a period painkiller, which work like a bomb, and put the box of painkillers in my bag

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When I was finished getting ready I took a period painkiller, which work like a bomb, and put the box of painkillers in my bag.

The door bell rang downstairs, so I grabbed my things and bolted down the stairs. When I made it down I saw that my mom had answered the door.

"Oh that's very sweet, Archer." My mom said.

"Hey." I said walking up to them.

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