• Chapter Twelve •

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Back to •Aurora's POV•

"Archer hurry up." I said looking over at Archer. I'm waiting for him at the weight section of the gym, while he takes his sweet time in starting his last set.

Thank the lord it's Thursday. I can't handle too much more of this week. It's been cramped with assignments, assessments and has overall been too much work. Ive barely gotten any proper sleep since Tuesday, I'm exhausted.

Archer chuckled, looking up and smirking at me. "I'll take however long I like. I'm your only ride, you have no choice but to wait."

"Ugh, whatever." He is right though. "I'm going to wait outside, I can't sit here and watch you do another bench press." I said standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Your choice." He said smirking. "Sorry that you'll be missing out on the pleasure of watching me work out." He said emphasizing his muscles as he lay back down for his last set.

I groaned as I walked away.

when I stood outside, the roads were quiet and I could hear the birds in the patch of forest from across the road. It was peaceful, I must've been waiting outside for a whole of three minutes before that peace was destroyed. I was interrupted when a sketchy, large man with large muscles approached me smiling creepily. He had a casual stalking kind of walk, which didn't help my suspicions of his character. As he got closer I noticed that his face had slight stubble where his beard would be, and a scar on his nose.

Is he walking to me or is he going somewhere behind me? I mentally asked myself. Maybe I should go inside.

That thought came too late, because he had approached me directly and said, "Hello angel." as he reached where I was standing.

I looked at him and began to turn away, but before I could he grabbed my forearm. He had a strong grip, rough hands and he yanked me back toward him.

"Why you leaving so soon?" He drawled out. "I haven't had a chance to introduce myself yet. You don't want to be rude."


"I realized that I forgot something inside."

"Is that so?" He said. "And why is it that you're out here by yourself?"

Because I should be able to stand outside my the gym without being harassed by some guy...

"Yes it is and I'm not alone, im waiting for my friend. He will be out in a second." I tried to convince him, so that he'd leave. I emphasized the 'He' to try scare him off. He silent budge.

I tried to pull away, but his grip tightened.

"Let me go."

He shook his head. "You have such lovely skin."

"Let. Go."

"If you need a ride home, I'm always happy to oblige." He offered, which made my skin crawl. This man is the kind of guy your parents warn you about when you're a kid.

He is probably around his early thirties, had a breath that smelt of cigarettes and a tattoo of a snake starting at his lower ear and disappeared down his shirt. So cliché, which was alarming. An embodiment of a dangerous man, cliché looking man, is never a good person to have offering you a ride, or even be around for thy matter.

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