• Chapter Eleven •

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Archer's POV
Aurora was still asleep on my shoulder when the movies credits began to roll onto the screen.

I looked at the time on my phone, 9:35.

Soon, Blondie's parents would be home and I would have the awkward pleasure of meeting them while their daughter is asleep on my shoulder. This is not how I want them to meet me.

I look down to study her sleeping figure next to me. Aurora doesn't even find peace in her sleep. All through the day I see her constantly on edge, and even in sleep she doesn't relax.

I hate seeing her a mess. Tonight, when she had her episode, my first instinct was to get her out. All I wanted to do was comfort her. Its become an instinct to want to protect her. I'm glad I got her out.

Plus I had the opportunity of spending some more time with her, which I enjoyed. It's not everyday I get to be alone with Aurora just enjoying our free time. I have to drive her home just to get some alone time with her.

I softly tapped Aurora to ease her awake.

"Aurora." I said softly, with no response I tried again, "Blondie."

She stirred awake. "Mm?"

"I have to go." I said softly.

"Okay, I'll... I'll walk you out." She said still sleepy.

"No it's okay. I just wanted to let you know."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I am."

I slowly stood off the couch, easing her onto her side and covering her fully with the blanket. Even asleep she looks beautiful.

"Goodnight, Blondie." I said.

When I arrived at home, I sat in my driveway for a few minutes, replaying tonight's events.

I eventually got out of the car, closed my door and locked it. I made my way up the house steps, only one light was on. It was coming from the kitchen, which meant that my mom was still awake working.

I stepped into the quiet of the house.

"Archer, is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Yeh, ma. Just me." I said. My mom gets nervous sometimes. We live in a safe area, just a few blocks from Aurora's place, but she still feels like she as to be on high alert.

I can't blame her though. The place we stayed in before this one was in shit area with empty houses, because the owners couldn't pay their bills, which people would illegally occupy. Drugs were sold on the corner, escorts would wait by the convenience store and flee covered strays would roam the streets.

That is what became of my family after my dad died. My mom was still pregnant with the twins at the time and didn't have a job, so when the soul provider died I had to step up. After he died, we had to move into a cheeper apartment, but I immediately started asking people I knew for some work. That is when Garry presented the opportunity for me to work for him, doing small things around the club. He would teach me a few things about fighting as I grew older, but when I turned sixteen he finally let me into the ring. That is when I started making money off of my fighting.

My mom had the twins three months after my fathers death, spent a month and a half at home with them and then started working at the diner. Nora told her about the position opening and with my mom's previous experience she got the job. The twins would stay with a close friend of Nora's, who owned a day care center in the better part of town. Two years later we would move into the small place that we currently call home. It's simple, but it was what we could afford. It better than where we used to live, which makes it hundreds of times better anyway.

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