Sodapop v.s Dallas {Requested Imagine}

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Request by: Sodapop_2707

"See y'all tommarow." You say as you storm out the door.

*Sodapop's POV*

"Soda, Dally! What was that!" Darry yells at me. By this time I am half way put the door. I start at a dead run but I didn't see her anywhere. "[Y/N]!!" I yelled out. I stop running and just walk. She must be a her house!

*Dally's POV*

I screwd up big this time. [Y/N] Is the only girl I truly love, I can't let her get away now. I ran out of the Curtis' and started on a run. I run, run, and run till I run past Sodapop. I look back at him. He had a shocked expression on his face then, he started on a run but I couldn't careless so I just kept at my pace until I reached [Y/N]s place.

*Your POV*

You sit in peace on your bed trying to calm down. You close your eyes blocking out tge world until you hear a slam on your door. You jump up. Not knowing the source of the sound you grab your switchblade and walk quietly over to your door. You put your switchblade behind you back and open the door. The person falls to the ground. You straddle over them and put your knife to there throat. Then, You relize it is Dally. "Dally?!" You say as you remove your switchblade. "Jesus [Y/N] I think I taught you to much!" He said with a light laugh. You get off of him and help him up. "What are you doing here?" You ask him.
He coughed "[Y/N] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or whatever but.... I just really like you and I just want you to be mine. So, will you be my girlfriend?"
You smile " Yes!" You say. Before you could say and thing else you were in a long passionate kiss. "Congratulations you two!" Someone says. You turn your head to see Sodapop standing in the door frame. You smile and turn back to Dally
"Your the only one for me." Dally says as you both dive on for a loving kiss.

I didn't know what else to add to it so here we are! I didn't think it was necessarily terrible but I did kind of... Rush it. Still hope Y'all liked! Follow my Instagram account Outsider998!


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