Your Kids {Preference}

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Ponyboy- You and Pony have one kid, who is autistic. They are a female and gets bullied by Bob's kid(s) because of the autism, You and Ponyboy being the parents, and you, Pony, and your child are greasers. She is very special to the gang and she is like a little sister to everyone.

Johnny- You and Johnny have one kid who is adopted. They are a female and get bullied by Bob's kid(s) because you, Johnny, and your kid being greasers, and You, and Johnny are the parents. Know body but you, Johnny, the gang knows she is adopted.

Dally- You guys have one kid. She is a female. She looks up to Dally which may or may not be a good thing. Dally taught her self defense so if she gets bullied she can stand up for herself. She gets bullied because Y'all are greasers. When people bully her Dally finds them and yells at them to never talk to your guys child.

Soda- You guys have twins. They are both male. Like most young males they get into trouble such as fist fights, trespassing etc. They don't really get bullied because they are friends with basically everyone but Bob's kid's gang bully on them for either you, and Soda, or for Y'all being greasers.

Steve- You and Steve have one child. They are a female. She looks up to Steve way more than she does you which may or may not be a good thing. She is an enemy to the socs because she lets them know she's a greaser and where she stands. Luckly Steve taught her self defense so she can beat them up.

Twobit- You and Twobit have three kids. The oldest are Two are males and the youngest is a female. The males roam the town of Tulsa while your daughter sits with You, and Twobit and watches Mickey Mouse. They don't get bullied because Twobit is very well known to the greaser kids and the soc kids.

Darry- You have two kids. You have one male and one female. They aren't twins they are one year apart. The female is the oldest, and the male is the youngest. They don't care about bullies they just ignore them. You, and Darry are very proud of your kids. They are greasers but very well behaved, and responsible.

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