You are in labor- Dally {Imagine}

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You are at your husband Dally's house. You are in bed with him when you feel a strange pain in your lower stomach. You sit up and wake up Dally. You tell him about your pain. As soon as you were done speaking his eyes went huge "YOUR IN LABOR!!" He yelled and stood up running around the place. "What should I pack?!" He asked frantic.

"Grab the-"

"I GOT IT! I will call the gang!" He said pulling out his phone "What the hell am I thinking?! They won't know what the fuck to do!"
You stand up and grab the phone but Dally sits you down "DON'T STAND THE FUCK UP YOU ARE IN LABOR!!"
You roll your eyes and grab the phone anyways. You call the gang and tell them. You hear Darry scream "SHE'S IN LABOR!!" You hangup the phone. You put the phone&y
down and see Dally's luggage. He has nothing other than food, water, and a flashlight. "WE'RE NOT PACKING FOR A FLOOD DUMBASS!!" You yell to Dally. Dally walks into the room "Whatever calm down."
"DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!" You yell Back to him. You start agruing. You didn't notice that the gang came in. "Thats enough you two!" Darry yells at you both. You stop yelling and pack the proper things. Darry, Johnny, and Twobit try to calm down Dally and Steve, Soda, and Pony try to comfort you. Once you get everything packed you and Dally get into his car. You lay in the backseat in pain. Dally speeds as fast as he can to the hosbital "Dally... IT HURTS, IT HURTS SO BAD!" You yell while bawling. Dally then goes into full on husband mode "I know babe... were almost to the hosbital. Dally holds your hand the rest of the way to the hosbital. After a few minutes you hear sirens. It was the fuzz. Dally takes his hand off the wheel to flip the cops off instead of conveniently releasing his hand from yours.
"WE GOTTA WOMAN IN LABOR HERE!!" Dally yells out the window not watching the road. You yell at him to put his hand on the wheel and drive even though the cops are after you both. When you get to the hosbital the cops get off your back when they see you. Dally carries you bridal style into the hosbital. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY WOMAN IN LABOR HERE!!" Dally yells at yells at everyone. You put your head down in embarrassment. When you get a room the gang arrives. Dally is a hotness running around with a cigarette. Dally yells at the gang for random reasons and starts hallucinating while Darry tries calming you down. After Dally hyperventilates for a few minutes he passes out so the nurses take him to another room. You try to stand up to go and make sure Dally is alright but the nurses won't let you. Tears start rolling down your face because all you want is Dally. Then, you relize contractions are 3 minutes apart. You start hyperventilating and saying Dally over and over. Then, the doctor walked in "You boys need to exit the room." The gang leaves. Now you are on your own. You lay there and start crying because you don't know where Dally is and you are having this kid by yourself.
"Ok, you ready to have the baby?" The doctor asks you. As if Dally had super hearing, as soon as the doctor said "Have the baby" Dally barges in. You hug him tighter than you thought imagineable.

*We are skipping this process*

You had a girl. Her name is KC Winston. Dally didn't want you or any of the gang to touch her. You had to basically rip her out of his hands. You and Dally look at her witb tears of joy. You both know this is probably the best thing that has ever happened in both of your life's, along side meeting eachother.

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