How it all began- Johnny {Imagine}

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⚠️Slight Cussing⚠️

•11 years earlier•

It was your first day of kindergarten so, you went to the Curtis house. You were like one of the guys. You loved the gang, people said you guys were the toughest kids on this side of town which was probably true. Unfortunately, the bad part of being tough was all the socs wanted to be crowned tough especially Bob Sheldon's gang. One timIe Bob attacked Johnny and boy did that make your blood boil(He didn't use a blade obviously). After all Johnny is your best friend and to see him beaten like that killed you. You guys all walked to school (Pretend this is the whole gang going into kindergarten pretend everyone is the same age) you, Johnny, Pony, and Dally had the same teacher Mrs.Zuko. Darry, Soda, Twobit, and Steve had the other teacher Mrs.Mickey which Twobit got a kick out of.
You, Johnny, Pony, and Dally all sat together.
Bob Shelton was at the table behind you guys. Bob and half of his gang kept sending spit balls out to Johnny. Johnny turnt his head and looked at them. Johnny put his head down. Just then a spit ball got in his hair "Would you fucking stop!?" Johnny yelled at Bob. "MR.CADE! GO TO THE OFFICE NOW!!" Mrs.Zuko yelled. You looked at Johnny who had tears in his eyes "FUCK THIS PLACE!!" You yelled with sass knowing you will also be sent to the office... but with Johnny. "YOUNG LADY LEARN SOME RESPECT GO TO THE OFFICE!!" Johnny was in shock, he stood there with his jaw to the ground. (The Curtis parents don't care that you guys cuss neither do you parents)
When you both got to the office the principle stood up and had a wooden whip. You looked over at Johnny who was just staring at it. He was shaking "Are you Cade, and [Y/L]?" (Your last name) "Yes." You responded. The principle looked at Johnny
" STOP SHAKING BOY!" He yelled at Johnny. The principle took you outside. There was a lady that came through the door and looked at you "Okay ready to whip?" Johnny was terrified. "Yes." The principle said with a smile. They sat down on there chair thrown you and Johnny over there knees and whipped you with the hard wood "OWW!!" You and Johnny screeched in pain. The principle let you go back to class you and Johnny weren't crying but on the verge of it if you got anymore embarrassment for the day. When you and Johnny got back Dally was at the back of the room. Pony gave you both a smile.
When school was out you and Johnny had to go back to the principles office and promise that would never happen again. When you got outside Johnny lookd at you "Why'd uou go to the office with me?" You looked at him I could never let you go in alone, especially for something that stupid." He gave you a smile. The gang interrupted you guys and kep asking what happened you and Johnny explained and they all looked down with red faces especially Dally because he knew he would be getting the wip. When you finally got back you and Johnny sat on the couch. Mr. And Mrs. Curtis asked how school was and you and Johnny turnt red. Everyone explained what happened to you and Johnny but they never said a thing about there day. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis just chuckled lightly "It happens to everyone. I promise you ya guys aren't alone." Mrs. Curtis was explaining.
You and the gang were sitting and watching Mickey Mouse when Johnny poked you. You looked over at him "Um... [Y/N]? Will you be my girlfriend?" Everyone looked at you guys in shock "Yes!" You yelled as Johnny's face lit up with cheer. You pecked eachother on the lips and the Curtis parents congratulated you two (Not thinking you guys were for real)

11 years later•

(you and Johnny are 16 now if you didn't do the math)

You and Johnny are still the two kids you were when you five, young, restless, And in love. And evidently it was true love because you two have been together and dating ever since.

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