You are in labor- Dally {Headcanon}

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(Dally is 23 in this one)

-You are in labor

-Dally is your husband

-Its like 11:45 at night

-Dally is a madman running around the place Frantic

- "What should I pack?!

- "Take this!"

- "Don't stand the fuck up! Sit your ass down!"

- "I'll call the gang! They'll know what to do!"

- "Wait? They won't know what to fucking do! What the hell was I thinking!?"

- You call the gang since Dally is freaking out

- Dally attempts to pack stuff but fails miserably because he packed Food, Water, and no baby clothing, or like ANYTHING

- You end up packing everything even though Dally wants you to sit

*Time skip* 'Getting in car'

-You get into Dally's car

- You lay in the back seat in pain

-Dally is speeding

-Cops are following you guys but you don't stop

- Dally flips them off and yells "WE HAVE A WOMAN IN LABOR HERE!!"

-The cops hear him but they don't care

- You have a really bad contraction


- You see a tear roll down Dally's eye
"I know baby, were almost to the hospital."

- "AWW!!" You yell out in pain as the contractions get worse

- At this point Dally is in full of husband mode

- He holds your hand the rest of the way to the hospital

*Time Skip* 'Arriving at hosbital'

-Dally helps you out of the car

-When you get in the hospital Dally is a mess

-He carries you bridal style into the hospital


-You put your head down in embarrassment

-You get a room

-Dally lights a cigarette and is running around a hot mess

-The gang arrives

-They get yelled at by Dally

- Darry is trying to comfort you as Dally is hallucinating

-Dally passes out

-Nurses take him to another room while you are minutes away from having a child

- A nurse comes in a tells the gang to leave

-You are about to have this kid on your own

-Or so you thought

-As if Dally had super hearing as soon as the doctor said "Have the baby" Dally barges in

-The doctor lets him in

*We are gonna skip this process, Sorry!*

-You have a girl

-Her name is KC Winston

-Dally is overly excited

-He won't let you ar any of the gang touch her

-You basically have to rip her out of his hands

-You and Dally look at her with tears of joy

-The gang congratulates you both

-You and Dally both know this is probably the best thing that has ever happened in your life, alongside meeting eachother

How was it? I didn't think I would do it but... I did it!! Who is your favorite Outsiders character? Tell me in the comments!


The Outsiders: Imagines, Headcanons, & Preferences Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt