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Nikki's POV
I finally got the love of my life back.. I couldn't be happier. We are drinking hot cocoa on the couch watching ride along.. This movie is the bomb! Kevin hart and ice cube are the best actors in the world. I was laughing my ass off, Aubrey was too...

"Hey I gotta go out! Liam I need you to come with me." Luke said standing up. I grew weary but let him go, I trust him...

"Bye baby... I love you" Luke said bringing me in for a kiss. I smiled.

"Bye babe." I say watching them leave.

"Hey girl! Come sit by me!" Aubrey laughed patting the seat next to her.

I laughed and sat next to her... We cuddled up next to each other. Since we were best friends, it didn't bother us.

I was get tired and my eye kids began to get heavy... I remember the door opening and Luke and Liam walking through the door. But I fell asleep before I could say anything.

I was slightly woken up by someone picking me up, I looked up to see Luke carrying me. I smiled, he looked down... And smiled.

"Good back to sleep baby." Luke said opening my door... My eyes grew tired again but I didn't fully fall asleep. Luke tucked me in before getting up and started to leave. I grabbed his hand causing him to stop.

"Stay with me Luke." I say, he just nods and takes his shirt and jeans off. I pull the blanket back and cuddle into his chest when he is laying down.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. I sigh and slowly fall asleep.
I was woken up to the light shining down on my face. I groan and roll on my back. I sit up and notice Luke isn't here anymore. I sniffed the air, it smelled of bacon and eggs. I smiled and got out of bed. I was going to my closet to get some new clothes, but as I started walking I slipped on something. I looked down to see Luke's shirt. I smile and take off my old clothes, I slipped his shirt on and grabbed some basketball shorts. I opened the door and went down stairs.

Luke stood over the over shirtless.. I bit my lip and snuck up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist causing him to jump and little. I laugh.

He turns around and takes a look at me. He bites his lip. "Can I just say.. You look extremely hot in my shirts." Luke said lifting me up onto counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer. He chuckled and kissed me... Things started to get heated but Someone coughed causing us to break apart and blush.

"Not in the kitchen please." Aubrey begged. I laughed and jumped off the counter wrapping my arms around Luke's waist.

"Hey beautiful... We have a date today. Dress fancy." Luke said kissing the top of my head. I nodded and looked up at him. I kissed him before he pulled away.

"LIAM! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Luke yelled up the stairs.. Liam walked out dresses and ready for the day.

"What do ya need help with?" Liam asked.. Luke whispered something in Liam's ear. While he was doing this Liam glances my way before looking back at Luke. He nodded.

"Bye babe! I got to go!" Liam said kissing Aubrey on the cheek she turned and kissed him hard. Things got heated really quickly so I cleared my throat..

"Uh Aubrey not in the kitchen please." I say repeating her words. They pulled away and blushed. I just laughed.

"Bye baby!" Luke yelled from across the room.

"Bye Lukey!!" I yelled back. I heard him laugh. Him and Liam left.. I giggled.. "Help me get ready!" I said and ran up the stairs Aubrey hot on my tails.

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