What are you doing here?

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Nikki's POV
I just starred at my father who is standing there looking at me. "Put me down Luke." I say quietly... Luke carefully set me down... I slowly limped over to my dad who walked a little ways to... "What are you doing here?" I say fiercely looking him in the eyes...

"I-I don't have a good excuse.. I really don't. I came to see what I left behind." my dad said his eyes filling up with tear... But heart swelled.. Dammit dad!

"Can you guys leave us alone for a moment." I say not taking my eyes off of him... I could hear them shuffle out of the room..

"Why did you leave?" I say causing him to look down...

"I didn't feel like I was a good enough father for you." he sighed as a few tears fell down from his eyes. "I'm so sorry." He sobbed putting his head in his hands.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He quickly wrapped his arms around me. He continued I sob, his tears were wetting my shirt but I didn't care.

"I'm so sorry." He said pulling away... I nod.

"It's ok... Just.. Just don't leave me again.. Please." I say as a few tears trickle down my face. He nods and pulls me into him.

"where is your mom." He asks.. I break down I to sobs...

"Ch-chance got into a wreck... He-he didn't make it.. The pa-pain was to-to much for her..." I say in between sobs... He froze... I just rocks us back nod forth.

"It's ok now.. I'm here... I'm not leaving... I'm here." He says kissing the top of my head.. We stayed like this for about 5 more minutes before Luke walked in... I smiled when I saw him... I let go of my dad and walked to Luke. I hugged Luke a brought him to my dad.

"Dad.. This is Luke.." I say. Luke sticks his hand out, they shake hands.

"Are you two dating?" Dad asks.. I shake my head no.

"Soon to be though." Luke said smiling down at me. I blush and look down..

"So uh dad... Do you want something to eat?" I ask breaking apart from Luke..

"I would love something to eat." Dad said smiling at me. I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him to the kitchen, my dad hot on our trail.

I opened the fridge to see grilled cheese!! Yeas! "Hey dad, Luke do you guys want grilled cheese?" I ask not taking my eyes off the fridge.

"Sure!" They said in union. They just started laughing. I chuckled and took out the grilled cheese. I popped 7 in the microwave, 3 for Luke, 3 three for my dad, and 1 for me. Soon the food was done and I placed them on plates and handed them to the boys....

"Where is everyone?" I ask Luke taking a bite of my grilled cheese.

Luke swallowed what was in his mouth before speaking. "They left. I stayed cause I couldn't leave without you.. Everyone went to Liam's house." Luke said taking another bit of his sandwich.

I nodded and finished mine quickly. I placed my plate in the sink. I turned back around to see Luke quietly talking to my dad..

My dad nodded and finished his sandwiches... Luke same.

"Whatcha talking about?" I ask placing my elbows on the counter and resting my head in my hands.

Luke cleared his throat.. "Uh nothing." He smiled.. I looked at my dad to see him smiling at me... I just shook my head....

"So dad where are you staying?" I ask...

"At a hotel in downtown." He says standing up. "I should get going. Tommorrow do you want to go get lunch?" My dad asks.. I nod and hug him quickly. I walk him to the door.

He walks down the stairs and gets in his car. "Bye dad!" I wave. He waves back before pulling out of the driveway and driving away. I felt a presence behind me so I turned around to see Luke...

"Well since there is nothing else to do, will you go on a date with me?" Luke asks dropping down to one knee. I giggle and pull him into a hug, I wrap my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist. We stand hugging each other for what seems like forever...

"I'm going to go grab my keys, stay right here." Luke says kissing my cheek. Sparks fly through my cheek. I blush.. When he walks away I bring my hand up to my cheek and touch where he kissed. The sparks were still there. I smiled and looked down.

"Alrighty let's go." Luke said grabbing my hand... He helps me walk down the stairs... He opens the door for me.. "M'lady" Luke said bowing down slightly.

"Thank you sire." I say and I try and do a British accent like Luke did... It came out really bad. I just laughed...

He ran around the another side and started the car. "Where are we going?" I ask looking at him...

"It's a surprise." Luke smiled and kept driving.

"Pwees tell me.." I say pushing my bottom lip out slightly... He just chuckled.

"It's a surprise."

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