Pull Togethor

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A/n: it's been a very nice journey writing this. Even though it's just 1k reads i still feel like it's a big thing because it wouldn't have been possible without you people. Thanks alot again guys. For being my support till the end.
Jennie's pov:
Never had I thought I would feel this again. Like loosing my own parents, the pain was unbearable but I was still not the one to talk. Because the actual person who was miserable at the moment was my mate.

His pain was way greater than mine. I knew, because I could feel it. Like a sharp pang, a huge boulder over my heart.

The body of his dad was burnt right at the same spot where he died. Because that was the way of holding a vampire's funeral. It was to ensure that no one caught the blood or get infected by his body. Taehyung's mother seemed numb. Just like him. However she cried. Endlessly with tears. While Taehyung just stared off into space. I didn't know what to do.How to lessen his pain? How to make him feel better? I had no idea.

After burying the ashes of his father, hoseok,and I helped him make a grave stone. Taehyung wrote on it with gold letters.

"Forever is not always enough time with people like you."

Tears ran down my cheeks as I read it again. Ofcourse it wasn't enough. Because forever ends with you. And everyone ends one day.
Alina's pov:
Everyone seemed quiet. There were no good words exchanged and no smiles passed. Because they lost their beloved leader and a family member.

Yoongi was barely able to stand properly without support but he too cried. Tears stained his face as he grieved for someone he adored. All the other boys seemed extremely shaken. Jungkook took hold of Lisa and held her so she could stand. Her face pale and her body drained. Jimin and namjoon were silently wiping away tears as well. It was Hoseok, and jin who took responsibility and made sure that the feild was secure with magic and no other being could enter without permission.

The place was a mess with unconscious bodies of the originally possessed Ryder's minions.

What now?
Author's pov:
Some things don't happen the way we plan them. One way or another the plan has to get sidetracked. Because that's just how life plays with us. Cruel and merciless. But it's always upto us, to carry on with hope of happiness and to not give up.

There is no such thing as eternal happiness. Happiness is in those small moments which make you laugh and smile. Which swell your heart with joy. A life without those moments is meaningless.

Taehyung's mother knew that. She knew that some things just happen to become a great obstacle for us. She knew that we must carry on our duty. At all times and not disappoint people who looked upto us.

So she did exactly that. She composed herself, although her heart ached since the loss of a husband was huge.

"Namjoon, jimin, jin, Hoseok, jungkook and Taehyun. Please make sure that these people are all safe as they get up from their unconscious state. Also have the townspeople prepare food for everyone. We will have everyone dine out in the open. Those who are wounded please find those people good with healing to help you with them. And..... take yoongi and Lisa home. They need rest." She told them. They smiled sadly and nodded in response. They felt proud, because even though their leader was gone, his wife would not sit quiet.

Soon the unconscious people started to wake up. Most of them left as they realised what had happen. After saying their thanks to the town they left to go to their own home. Some of them were helped right there with rooms to stay. The wounded were less from the townspeople. And it was a great thing that no other life was lost.

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