“We still need to double date.” I nod my head with full on certainty. “I also have a lot to tell you, I almost forgot.”


“Does it involve you and Jason?”


“Yes.” I replied, adding an over exaggerated amount of emphasis on the word.


She considers and the light tone in her voice made it clear she was more than interested in finding out what she’s been missing. “Call me when you get home tomorrow and I’ll come over, we’ll talk then.”


After we hang up, I decide to give Kira a call. I knew after a while my mother would grow tired of waiting for me to leave and she’d eventually state that I can no longer have this weekend of freedom. My punishment wasn’t over until the upcoming Monday but after seeing how well Kira and I did on our chemistry project, my parents made an exception. Instead of calling I send a text and wait patiently. To keep myself occupied I also text Jason and then I clean up the mess that remained on the floor of my room.


Even if it’s been a couple days since the incident, I couldn’t quite pull myself together one hundred percent. I mean, it’s not everyday that you smoke weed for the first time and then practically molest your boyfriend. However, the aftermath of my mistake was more than enjoyable. The way he touched me, so delicately and his voice drove my state of sanity into the pits of hell. I honestly felt like an idiot the minute I rolled off of him. I could tell that my face was as red as a tomato.


I stood by the head of my bed, staring at myself in the mirror on top of my dresser.


He didn’t just put his hand in my shorts, he touched me. The minute I felt his finger, my entire body stiffened. It’s not like I wanted that to happen though, it was pretty obvious that I was enjoying the moment. I should have let him keep going because I have to be completely honest, even if it was just a simple stroke, it felt so good and I could just imagine him touching me again and again.


I was well into my thoughts until my phone vibrated. Snapping back to reality, I inhale and exhale all while running my hands into my hair to release my self arousement. My hair falls over my shoulders and I stretch my arm out to snatch my phone off the blankets. Jason replied to me and although I knew there was absolutely no way of him knowing what I was recently thinking, I still feared he did know somehow. Kira also replied, explaining that she would be at my house in the next five minutes.


Ecstatic, I reply to them both and then shove my phone into my back pocket. I didn’t feel like making my bed and it’s not like my mother wouldn’t do it later on anyway so I simply grabbed my duffle bag with both hands and trudged out of my room. Music was still playing and it came from the kitchen, however it wasn’t as loud as it was before and I could easily decipher the sounds of Jasper clawing at the back door. After descending to the first floor, I drop my bag onto the first stair and then quickly head down the hall to allow Jasper access to the outdoors.


Kira didn’t live that far from me so I knew she’d be here any second. With that knowledge, I scurry into the kitchen and wait for my mom cast a glance in my direction. She was too busy singing along to that song ‘Listen to your Heart’ to even pay any attention to my existence. Rolling my eyes lamentably, I furtively stroll over to the radio and turn down the volume until the only thing belting into my ears was my mother’s horrible singing voice. She stops abruptly and looks in my direction, turning off the stove with a quick flick of her wrist. Instead of getting upset, which I expected since she hated when Lana and I would lay our ‘dirty fingers’ on her radio, she simply laughs and makes a small remark of how her singing voice is a complete disaster. I laughed slightly to keep the mood light on it’s toes.

Sinister [Jason McCann]Where stories live. Discover now