20 - Dinner

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There wasn't any reason to be anxious but Taehyung was fidgeting all day. It was just a friendly dinner. It's not like Jungkook is coming to meet his parents to ask his hand in marriage.

"Relax Tae bear.." Jin said for what must be the 100th time.

"I can't." Taehyung was pacing from side to side. "Hyung you mustn't make him feel uncomfortable ok. Please behave yourself."

"Why would I make him uncomfortable Tae? If anything, you are gonna make him uncomfortable with all your fidgeting." Jin retorted annoyingly while Namjoon laughed loudly.

"Ok ok. You're right. Sorry"

"No worries Tae bear, it'll be alright. If you like him then I like him too."

Jungkook came around 7.00pm. He was welcomed by Tae and was taken inside. Once inside, he introduced himself.

"Hello. I'm Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Jungkook gave a little bow to Jin and Namjoon.

"Welcome. No need to be so formal Jungkook. You can call me hyung. This is Kim Namjoon. Taehyung's manager and my boyfriend." Jin said while giving a light pat on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yes hyung. This is for you. Tae said you like art. Hope you like this." Jungkook gave the present he brought for Jin.

"Oh thank you. You didn't have to bring anything. Come, have a seat."

They all sat in the living room and was having a light chat.

Jungkook seems to be very comfortable with both Jin and Namjoon and they seem to like the younger too. Taehyung realised that he was worried for nothing and joined the conversation happily.

"So Jungkook, tell us about yourself." Jin said as he gave the younger his drink.

"Well I'm 23, I live alone. Graduated from Busan university and currently works in a Accounting firm." Jungkook replied.

"Oh... and how do you meet our Tae?" Jin asked excitedly.

Taehyung was worried. He didn't want Jungkook to reveal his secret but didn't know what else to say.

"Hyung please, that's private." Taehyung said in an attempt to help Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at his boyfriend and gave a reassuring smile before answering.

"Well, I have met Tae when we were young but didn't had contact till we recently met again. I'm actually a big fan of V." Jungkook replied naturally.

Relief was evident in Taehyung's face. Jin and Namjoon shared a suprised look as they noticed Taehyung's worry and relief both.

Rest of the night went well as they all enjoyed Jin's cooking.

"Jin hyung, dinner was amazing. Specially this mango pudding, it's very delicious." Jungkook said as he took another bite.

"Well thank you. It's one of my specialities." Jin replied happily.

"The taste is different. There's something else in it."

"Go on. See if you could guess my 2 special ingredients."

"Hmm... one is rosemary. And... I think the other is cinnamon." Jungkook said after thinking hard.

"Wow!! You are the first one to guess correctly." Jin was definitely impressed.

After the dinner, they all had a chat for a while before Jungkook finally said goodbye. Taehyung went to see him out and the 2 elders gave them some privacy and returned to the living room.

Once they were alone, Jungkook pulled Taehyung in for a hug.

"I think that went well." Jungkook said while holding Taehyung in his arms.

"I think so too. You were very impressive. I think my hyung liked you a lot." Taehyung replied while placing his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Hmm... I like him too. He reminded me of my m-mom."

"Oh Kookie..."

"Don't worry baby. I'm ok. It's just that he gives such a motherly vibe."

"I know what you mean. He certainly acts like my mother. You should hear him scold me."

"Well I have a feeling that you deserve them."


"Sorry. I love you baby. I should go now."

"How long will it take for you to go home?"

"About 1 1/2 hours. I'll give you a call when I'm home ok. Bye cupcake."

"Bye Kookie, drive safely."

When Tae went to the living room, Jin was checking the gift Jungkook brought.

"Tae bear this is so beautiful. But it must be costly. He didn't had to bring anything. Are you sure this is ok?" Jin asked with concern.

"It's ok hyung. Jungkook can afford it. I mean he's not like that rich, but he has money. Don't worry about it." Taehyung assured his brother.

"But didn't he say he works for an accounting firm?" Namjoon chimed in too.

"Yeah but his uncle is kind of rich." Taehyung replied


"Yeah, his parents passed away when he was little and his uncle is the one who looked after him. His parents left him some money and his uncle doesn't have children also so Jungkook is somewhat ok. I got to know about it recently only. He has his own house is Seoul too." Taehyung explained.

"I like him. He seems honest. Good for you Tae." Namjoon patted Taehyung's shoulder.

"Yeah me too." Jin also stated.

"I'm glad, I kind of like him too." Taehyung said teasingly.

After few weeks, Jungkook met with Taehyung's other hyungs too. They all went for lunch at a pretty fancy restaurant and Taehyung's hyungs all took a liking to Jungkook.

Jungkook still preferred to come to Taehyung's room because it beats driving for 3 hours up and down but when he was meeting with others, he comes by the car.

Jungkook was at his office one day when he got a message from Taehyung.

"Hey Kookie, it's my parents wedding anniversary this weekend and we are going home to see them. It's just us and dad kind of said to invite you too. Would you like to come? No pressure.  Only if you like"

Jungkook thought for few seconds before sending a reply.

"I would love to. I wanted to meet your father for a long time too."

Did You Call Me Love? - Taekook Love Story.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang