04 - First Time.

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After few minutes of shocked silence, Jungkook called his friend. Call got connected after few rings and Jungkook immediately started to scream in to the phone.

"Hyung!!!  hyung!! You wouldn't believe what happened!! Oh my GOD!!"

"Why? Why? WHY?!!!"

"Oh god, I can't believe this at all."

"Calm down and tell me what happened you bish!"

"I MET V. I. Jeon Jungkook. met. V."

"Is this one of your dreams again boy?"

"Oh it sure felt like a dream hyung. A beautiful, beautiful dream. But no. I accidentally.. uh..  you know... teleported in to his room."


"Yeah. I was just looking at the new photo he uploaded and I opened my eyes and BAM!!! I was in his room."

"What seriously?? You normally can't go beyond five feet right?"

"Hyung!! It's more like five meters but yeah, I don't even know how it happened."


"Yeah, wow!! And he was there, just in his pyjamas, looking like oh. My. God...."


"At first he was bit suprised, I mean who wouldn't. But he was sooo nice. Didn't scream or anything. He hid me when someone, I think his manager, came also. He looked so cute hyung."


"Ok you gotta stop saying wow hyung."

"What else can I say, you lucky bas****. Tell me EVERYTHING!!"

"Ok so first...."

Jungkook and Jimin was talking for hours, micro analysing every little detail of V's room, his face, his voice, etc..

Once the call ended, Jungkook just lays on the bed, sleep nowhere near. He remembers the first time he teleported.


"Jungkookie you looked so good today. I'm so proud of you baby." Jungkook's mom smiled at him from the front seat.

"Ofcourse we are proud of him honey. I even took a video to show at my office." His dad also chimed in.

Jungkook just smiled back. He got another belt in taekwondo today. He was also proud of himself.

His father was driving for sometime, making light conversation when suddenly his face looked really troubled. He was stepping on the break paddle with a scared face.

"Honey what's wrong?" Jungkook's mother asked, gripping the seat with one hand and reaching out to hold Jungkook with the other."

"T-the breaks!! the breaks are not working!!" Jungkook's father whisper yelled, continuously pushing the peddle.

"Oh my god, HONEY LOOK OUT!!!"

That's all Jungkook's mother was able to say as his father maneuvered the car to avoid an incoming car from the opposite side and hit a tree.

The front on the car was badly damaged and the doors were cramped. Jungkook regained his consciousness as he heard a loud banging.

"Mom... Dad...." Jungkook whispered.

"Dad!! DAD!! there's a boy in the back. I can't open the door!! I think it's locked. Hey!! Hey!! You gotta unlock the door. Unlock the door!!"

Jungkook heard a boy banging on the window and yelling him to open the door.

He could also hear a man's voice on the phone, reporting about the accident and begging someone, probably police, to hurry.

"Mom..." Jungkook tried again to move but the front of the car was badly crushed that he couldn't make out his parents.

"MOM!!." He desperately yelled again.

"You gotta come out... come out now..." Jungkook looked out the window again to see a boy with beautiful blue eyes and a middle aged man desperately trying to pull the car door.

He heard a spark somewhere from the front and then smelled something burning.

"Oh my god dad!! There's a fire." The boy yelled to his father.

"Baby get back!!" The man yelled, pushing his son away but still trying open the door. He stepped back only when the fire started to spread to the back too.

"Get out... you gotta come out.. COME OUT!!!!" the beautiful boy was crying now. Jungkook didn't want the see the boy cry. His heart was hurting to see this boy cry.

There was a blast, and a orange light covered the car. But Jungkook didn't see that. He only saw a dull blue light, covering himself.

When he opened his eyes, he was on the ground, few meters away from the car which was covered in a blazing fire.

When the police and an ambulance came later, he was sitting on the grass, a pair of arms hugged around him in a protective way.

"You'll be ok. You'll be ok." The blue eyed boy kept repeating the same thing over and over. Jungkook let all other thoughts go out of his mind and concentrated only on that beautiful voice.

End of flashback.

Jungkook lost both his parents in that car accident. It was discovered that the breaks of the car was malfunctioning. No faul play.

He got bit of money from insurance which his uncle and auntie put in an account for his education.

They took him in and treated him like their own son. He was very much loved by his family.

Part of the reason Jungkook first loved V was that the idol had the same shade of blue eyes which reminded him of the mystery boy.

Jungkook didn't had any contact with the two people who was trying to save him after the ambulance took him. He told his uncle about them and his uncle tried to find them also but couldn't.

That was the first time Jungkook teleported. Even though he said to the police that he managed to get the door open and the blast threw him out, he knew clearly that was not the case.

One moment he was inside the burning car, desperately wishing to get out, next moment he was wrapped up in a blue light and on the grass outside.

It took him years to replicate that move, but for small distances. Until today that is.

Did You Call Me Love? - Taekook Love Story.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin