06 - I Remember You.

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"Took you long enough."

Taehyung looks at the smiling man infront of him. Jungkook looked cute like a bunny that night with his sweatpants and iron man tshirt but man, he looks hot as hell, with what Taehyung assumes, office wear.

In a plain black trousers and black shirt with a red blazer, Jungkook looked so f***ing hot. Taehyung was staring at him so hard that made Jungkook clear this throat.

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm still trying  to get the hang of this. Long distance was not possible before." Jungkook said with a beautiful bunny smile which made Taehyung's heart to skip few beats.

"Ok. Wait here. I'll be back in a bit." Taehyung had to stop himself from running out of the room.

He wanted to get Jungkook something to drink but also had to hide and cool down so that Jungkook doesn't see his red cheeks. Man that smile was out of this world.

He got 2 drink bottles from the fridge and returned to the room to see Jungkook standing exactly as he left him.

"Why didn't you sit down? Come on, sit." Taehyung pointed at a chair while he himself sat on the bed. Taehyung threw one of the drink bottles to Jungkook which he caught easily.

"Thanks." Jungkook drank about half of the bottle as he was nervous as hell.

Taehyung looked at the man and could see that he was not comfortable. It made him nervous too. Maybe this was a bad call.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It's just that I wanted to see you again since.. uhhh.... we didn't get to talk last time and y-you said you were a fan so I thought you m-might wanted to meet me again too and I don't know... maybe get to know each other a bit..yeah..I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to come..... and.."

"Stop!" Jungkook cut his words as Taehyung was mumbling.

"I'm honoured that you wanted to see me again. Honestly I thought you must be freaked out about all of this."

"No. Guess I wasn't."

"Yeah. It would seem so."

"So.... what were you doing? Do you work in a office? H-how old are you?" 

"I'm 23. I work in an accounting firm as an intern."

"Oh... will you be in trouble for disappearing?"

"No. My friend will cover for me. Although I shouldn't stay too long."

"Sure sure. Maybe uh.... maybe I can get your number so that we can uh... a-arrange to meet at a different time."

Taehyung was sure he looked like a tomato right now. He kept his eyes down as he waited for the other's response.

"Yeah.. I would love that." Jungkook's voice was barely a whisper.

Taehyung lifted his eyes to look at the younger and saw that Jungkook's eyes was glimmering in happiness.

"Yeah?" Taehyung couldn't keep his smile hidden anymore.

"Yeah." Jungkook again flashed his bunny smile.

That will take some time to get used to, Taehyung thought to himself. He cleared his throat and looked for a diversion as the room was getting to hot for his liking.

"Ok. So you said you are a fan. Do you come to my concerts?"

"Yeah. I've been to few. It's a bit difficult to get tickets. Me and my friend actually go together. His name is Jimin. He is the only one who know about.. you know... Anyway he completely lost his shit the other day when I told him I met you."

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