"Oh- yesterday when I went into the village to get groceries I saw Bonnie and he was sad you weren't there."

Nightmare blinked, registering the information.

"He said he misses hanging out with you and hopes that he'll see you soon."

Nightmare felt something he hadn't felt for a while now- happiness. It's been a few weeks- almost a month since he last went into the village, not including the cat-monster incident. He missed hanging out with Bonnie too. But he didn't want to set foot in the village again. He was too scared.

'You really are pathetic.' The voice seethed.

Nightmare's eye twitched.

"I miss him too." he mumbled, smile fading.

Dream frowned- he didn't mean to upset his brother! He quickly pulled the other into a warm hug. Nightmare jumped in surprise, tentatively returning the hug after a few seconds. 

"Do you want to go and see him?" Dream asked after a moment of silence, releasing the hug.

Nightmare hummed thoughtfully. He would like to see Bonnie but that would mean having to go into the village. 

'Are you seriously afraid of them?' The voice questioned incredulously, barking out a laugh. 'That's hilarious- you really are a fool.'

"Night?" Dream asked, tilting his head.

Nightmare blinked, meeting Dream's eyes and remembering the question.

"Oh, I uh." He stammered. "Yeah, let's go."

"Right now? He might be asleep still, it's pretty early in the morning."

Nightmare glimpsed at the clock, shocked to realise only fifteen minutes had passed. He could barely grasp the concept of time anymore- it was moving too slow yet too fast and it freaked the guardian out.

"We can go later if you want?" Dream suggested after being certain that Nightmare wasn't going to reply. 

The guardian of negativity turned back to face Dream and nodded, muttering a quiet "okay."

Dream smiled brightly, earning a small smile from his brother in response.

"What shall we do until then?" The guardian of positivity asked.

Nightmare shrugged.

"We could draw?" 

Dream smiled and nodded.

A few hours had passed. The two brothers had spent the time drawing whatever came to mind- Dream had drawn many animals and a picture of him, Nightmare and Bonnie watching fireworks (though the fireworks just looked like massive stars in the sky). Nightmare had drawn their pet rock Keith, him and Dream and a terrible drawing of Error hanging from the ceiling eating chocolate. The two chucked over the crudely scribbled drawing for a while before they decided they should probably go pay the purple rabbit a visit now. They tidied up the crayons and paper, collecting the drawings into a neat stack and leaving them on the coffee table. 

"Do you want to walk or teleport?" Dream asked, adjusting his crown slightly.

Nightmare would rather just teleport, but at the same time he always enjoyed walking with Dream. 

"We'll walk." He finally answered. 

Dream grinned and nodded, turning away and heading towards the front door. Nightmare trailed after him, feeling slightly uneasy. Dream swung open the door and hopped out through it, almost tumbling face-first onto the ground. Nightmare snorted, stepping out and closing the door behind him.

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