Ch.2: Fuck It

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(Broken by: Anson Seabra)

'Should I drop him?'

I then made up my mind and helped him up. He got on the same branch I was on and seemed relieved.

"I really thought you were gonna drop me." He freaked

"I thought about it." I mumbled

"You are insane." He complained

"Thanks." I said plainly

He then sighed annoyed and looked away from me.

"Ugh! Thanks for catching me..." he mumbled

"Eh? You want me to lie or tell the truth?" I asked

"Can you really not act nice? Not even just a little?" He complained

"You don't know what I can feel and I want to keep it that way-"

I couldn't finish cause I moved foot and slipped. I fell back and vanoss tried to catch me as my eyes widened, but he missed. I didn't scream or panic cause I was a bit happy to have fallen.

I hit a few branches on the way down and accepted my fate. I closed my eyes and waited.

"GUYS CATCH HER!" Vanoss yelled

'Please don't...'

Then I felt arms and opened my eyes. I saw moo caught me and I was disappointed.

"You should've let me die." I mumbled

"You saved my friend." He said sweetly," I wanted to return the favor."

I frowned as he then put me down on my feet. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"Thanks." I said, less plainly but still plainly

He smiled brightly at me and danny ran to me.

"You fucking idiot, what were you thinking?!" He freaked

"I didn't do it on purpose at least." I complained

I then felt a liquid slide down my right arm and looked to see blood on my hand. I put my arm behind my back but they saw the droplets on the grass.

"Your bleeding, you need to go to the nurse." Moo said concerned

"You dumbass!" Danny growled," you are purposely trying to get yourself killed! Your so fucking insane and stupid, oh my god!"

I rolled my eyes and focused on moo.

"The nurse banned me from her office cause I always went there almost everyday!" I said

I took off my backpack and opened it to get my bandages. I went behind the tree and ignored all the comments and words said to me as vanoss was on the ground again.

As I was hidden now I picked up my sleeve and saw the blood soaked bandages. I took them off and dropped them on the ground as they were heavy.

I felt lightheaded but ignored it. I bandaged my arm again and just felt more empty inside.

'Moo seems a lot nicer than the others.' The voice said,' maybe you can talk to him more.'

"I don't do friends." I mumbled

'Well maybe you should start doing it again.' It suggested

I grumbled as I finished wrapping up my wrist. I tried to tie it up but saw hands take them and tie it for me. I looked to see moo again.

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