When the two worlds collide

Start from the beginning

 "Good afternoon!"He greeted as he entered the room, his posture straight and head held high as he avoided looking at the girl thrown, as a lump of mass on marble flooring of the luxurious room.

                     "Ah! Karan, my boy! how are you holding up?"Marcus greeted Karan with a pleasing smile. Karan plastered a fake smile as he walked up close to his uncle.

"All good, I see we have a guest!" Karan now stated as he turned to see the girl now. Hair scattered hiding her visage. Her arms covered in bruises.

                          "Yes, this is Kriya Ghai a human"Marcus introduced as he nudged with his feet . 

"A human? That's interesting!"Karan commented with mocking tone as he further nudged her with his foot. She turned around her body still a lump of mass. But now he could see her better. bruises covered her face as well. Stinging hex and many more dangerous hexes were used on her,  they were enough for her to die, being a human and having never being subjected to any kind of magical use she should have died with the slicing hex but she didn't. And she still had a lot of power in her, surprising.

                             "Yes, could you help her out? she is messing my marble flooring" Marcus said scrunching his nose in distaste. A few of her bruises her were bleeding and staining the white marble but that was very inhuman even for Marcus.

Karan simply levitated her and walked her out of the Manor, not caring for the onlookers he kept walking towards the Forest.

                         "Karan? Where are you going?" He stopped at his father's questioning tone. Rolling his eyes he turned in frustration, and his frustration caused him to loose his control on magic and drop Kriya  on floor. 

"Human, thought it would be fun to drop her in the forest to werewolves to feast on"He said nonchalantly. Vishwas sighed as he moved slowly towards his son. "I know what you're doing"

                   This caused Karan to look up alarmed, trying to bring back his poker face he questioned. "What are you talking about?" 

"Just be careful"


Rey looked up to the dusky sky as remembered her, it's been 16 hours since she left and he missed her. He wanted to hold her in his arms again this time preferably without any blood. 

                    "Its actually happening, huh?!" Sharon asked as she stood next to him looking at the beauty of nature.

"Its a battle going on for too long, now they have just decided to take it to the battle field." Naina commented quietly. 


It was a surprise for the twins when Karan walked in with Kriya in his arms. So he was helping? They couldn't believe it, not when Arjun and Karan hugged, not when he apologised not when all the shield members told them how helpful Karan had been.

                     "Why isn't she healing? Swayam please look into it!" Karan mumbled into frustration, Swayam nodded absent minded as he started treating her.

Taani was shaken to say the least, she didn't know what Kriya was doing here or what was happening anymore but this was the crazy, they were humans and irrespective of the differences things like these never happened. No wizard or witch ever treated a human in this manner.

                   "Our worlds have collided, haven't they?" Taani asked as saw the human squirm in pain and agony.

 "They did long back, when our souls chose theirs," Arjun answered.


"Our worlds have collided, haven't they?" Rey asked as he narrated Naina his dream for the first time.

                        "They did long back, when our souls chose theirs" Naina answered. 


Author's note

I wanna thank all the readers for being so supportive and amazing through out this book. I know the update have never been on time, but still thank you for hanging in there. This will be the last chapter for When the two worlds collide. 

I hope I have been able to give justice to the characters and your expectation as the readers. Hope you guys support and love the sequel in the same manner.

Special thanks to @fatzkanorwala you have had my back in this for a long time. 

So this is the end of When the two worlds collide!

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By Mysterydiscovered..

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