Hello, you weakling!

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                   "Good Morning!!"  Kriya greeted the two best friends as they had finally made an appearance in the college after days. The duo returned an uneasy smile they didn't expect Kriya to even spare a glance at them let alone talk, after Taani's threat to kill her they didn't expect it atall. But were glad, that she had put it all behind and was ready to start a fresh.

 "Rey, dude where have you'll been ?" Vicky questioned his childhood friend as Rey allowed Sharon to take the only available seat next to Kriya. Standing himself tall in his circle of friends, Rey started,  "Woh.. Actually Taani..."

                    But before he could finish his sentence he was greeted with a unpleasant grunt from almost everyone in the circle of his friends, he was shocked to say the least. He didn't know how to react. Did he do or say something wrong? What was wrong?  Before he could question their rude behaviour Sharon beat him to it.

"Is there something wrong?" She questioned, her eyebrow raised and her hands crossed against her chest her eyes travelled to each of her friends visages. She dared for them to speak up, and as expected the boys lowered their heads in submission, Sharon was never somebody dared to mess with except for Rey.

                   "Yes!" The girls obviously didn't get that threatened easily, and Simmi obviously didn't. If Rey had Vicky to play video games with, then Sharon always had simmi to play doll house with, growing up together the four were tight friends. But time changes so were they. They felt replaced; Replaced by Swayam and Taani.

 "What?What is wrong?" Rey asked as he eyed Simmi for an answer, but Vicky covered her up.

                      "Everything! Don't you get it Rey? Since this Taani has come you guys don't want to hangout with us anymore. Kriya is right! Taani is just playing the damsel in distress and taking you two away from us!" Vicky accused as he spoke with hatred.

Rey was beyond shocked to process what his childhood friend said, his Taani trying to make him stay away from his friends? She would never! oh how he wished he could explain Vicky everything but he knew he couldn't.

                       "Vicky you need to understand, I am in a relationship and i have to be there..."Rey tried to reason with his friend.

"No, Rey don't give me a damn about your relationship struggles. Weren't you in a relationship with Kriya as well? But that never stopped you from hanging out with us. And Sharon you? You and Swayam have been together for awhile now but that never stopped you two from hanging out with us! But since this Taani has come into the picture your world revolves around her majesty!" Vicky spoke his heart out "You four go out for movies, dinners, dates... Its like we are just an option now.."

                         "Vicky you know its not  like that!" Rey spoke moving towards his friend.

"No, Rey whatever I wanted to say I have said it, now I don't wanna discuss anything more about it!" Vicky stated as he moved out if the canteen followed by all his friends and a smirking Kriya. Even though all the while Rey was too busy with Vicky to focus on anything else, Sharon without doubt noticed her role in the entire fasico.

                        'Kriya is right! Taani is just playing the damsel in distress and taking you two away from us!' Vicky's words ran through her mind again and again.

"Kriya is a bitch!" 


Taani knew this isn't right! This isn't good for herself and the people around her.  She needs to get out of her shell and face the wind. Measures had to be taken, The Hunters had the audacity to kill the heir of Shekhawats  and they needed to be answered well and good.

                 She needed answers and for the past few days she has been reading almost every book on Godparent to fulfill her knowledge. This had never happened before the fetus of a wizard is never miscarried, born still or killed in his or her mother's womb because of their godparent who's always magical i.e a wizard. The godparent is solely responsible for the child's safety. The godparent can kill or die to protect the child and even as or when necessary share some of his or her magical powers with the child to make the fetus stronger and increase the possibility of the survival of the child if in danger.

Taani's magic surely called her for her but it didn't force her to help. The Magic is suppose to revolt, the magic was suppose to leave her and go and protect the baby. But it didn't, and that Taani didn't understand.

               Taani closed her eyes and asked for LIVRE: The  Book that consisted everything an answer guide to all problems by Dieu. But the book didn't reach her. She tried again and again and again failing each and every time. Meaning the book was held by somebody more powerful than Taani. Finally giving up she decided to walk out of the room and take the book physically from Granny herself.

                  Taani stepped out of her room to be greeted by an empty corridor. She was surprised by Swayam's extension charm work. There is no way he was able to do this type of charm without any guidance. Yeah, he was a great guy and an excellent at healing charms but other than that he sucked ass at everything.

She walked slowly towards the living room, not knowing exactly where to go. The day they had come to Rey's apartment to live in she had locked herself in the room allotted to her and Sharon not even allowing Sharon to come in. She doesn't really know 'where Sharon slept for the last few days but that was laest of her concern right now.

                   "Hello, you weakling!" Granny's taunting voice brought her  back to her senses as she turned around to see Granny in her 'wheelchair' with Livre resting on her lap.

When the two worlds collide...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang