Another scream

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                       20 minutes, that's all it took for Taani to be as good as she was before, her tanned skin shone flawlessly under the dim yellow lighting of the room. Sharon stumbled a little watching the scene unfold, and all she did was just stand there, her hands grasped the hem of her dress. She toyed with the fabric for a while and stopped when she felt a warm hand grasp her upper arm.

                  She flinched slightly and then looking up at the hurt in Swayam's expression didn't help. Though he was fast enough to cover his hurt with a poker expression, let's just say it was impossible for him to hide it from her, his Sharon. He made her sit quietly on the other side of the bed and crouched in front of her, he looked at her with an unreadable expression, she looked up to him to meet his stare, and gasped at the intensity in them.

            "Confused? Swayam asked, his eyes still locked to her dark brown orbs as he drew invisible patterns on the back of her palms with his long fingers.

            "You... just.. Taani?!" She stuttered as she looked at him, with a shock evident on her beautiful face which he adorned very much.

              "Well, I am a wizard Sharon, we.. we're wizards" he confessed, without hitting around the bush.

            "Well I think, I figured that part out for myself!"She said raising her left eyebrow in questioning manner. She wanted to know about what happened to her best friend and why was she bleeding to death.
          "Well that's it then, that's all you have to know" Swayam said and then looked down whispering to himself.
"For now.."

          "Listen, I ain't stupid okay?! I know there more to the story then you telling me." Sharon pointed out as she looked sternly at her boyfriend, who looked utterly conflicted on whether to tell her or not.

            "Guys?!" They heard Rey's worried voice from the other side of the door.
           "We'll talk about this later, okay? But promise me one thing, you won't tell Rey about anything that happened here or what I have told you about, alright?" Swayam asked looking very serious all of a sudden.

           "Guys please open the door!!" The door was once again knocked on, and the couple sighed before getting up from their original positions. Sharon covered Taani up properly, while Swayam moved to open the door.

             Rey barged into the purple room once again, his haste slightly knocking Swayam on the shoulder in the process to look up to his lady love.

           "What happened? Is she alright? How did all this happen?" He questioned continuously not leaving a breathing space inbetween, and then expecting the couple to somehow answer him.

           "She's fine, Rey! All good, lets just leave her with Sharon to clean her up, she's covered with dirt you see.." Swayam suggested as he pointed out to Taani's visage, currently the only part of her body that was visible the rest covered in the dark blue duvet, Sharon had got from her cupboard. And yes, she wasn't in her best state. her usually flawless face was now covered with some soot.

            Rey moved slowly and steadily towards her crouching besides the bed, his dark brown eyes in taking her plain expressions. He slowly bent down, once again his hand soothing her black hair with utter care and love; his hand movements so slow and careful as if she was a glass doll and Rey was scared to break her in anyway.

         His eyes quickly glistened with tears, as he brought his right hand from her head to her cheeks caressing them slightly. His thumb rubbing slowly on those onceg rosy cheeks, he loved to kiss.

          The feeling he felt when he saw her walking out of the rehearsal hall had subsided; now he felt a relief wash over to him. If it was a feeling of falling from a 50 storey building, this was a feeling of a safe landing. But while he was there high in the sky, he realized that whatever it was because of which she lied to him it didn't matter to him anymore. Her safety and well being was more important to him.

       He blinked his tears away and leaned down to her dull face, his hands cupped her checks as he kissed her forehead, with all he had. "I love you." 

         "Oh just come on now.." Swayam groaned, it wasn't an pleasant sight to see this all like seriously it stinks of a sappy romantic movie scene. And seeing his twin being a part of it that to unconsciously churned his stomach.

          Swayam just simply dragged Rey off the room against his every protest as Sharon just smirked at the two boys. Swayam soon returned with the pot of water and then soon walked off along with a mopping Rey who had followed the tall lad into the room.

             As the two boys reached the living room, they heard the door of  Taani's room shut. The two mates faced each other none saying anything, but still the silence comforted them.

           "You seriously don't think we should take her to the doctor?" Rey asked, he wasn't sure of how badly she was injured all the time his eyes were focused on the emotionless face and the body oozing out of blood from the shoulder.

             "Yep, they were minor cuts. She will be fine." Swayam assured as he sat down on the sofa, his body posture indicated his tired state.

               If only he could, Swayam would literally slap Taani to wake up and answer all of his questions. What was she even thinking? Nobody knew, her brain was filled with the most bizarre things ever and to add up to that she did all what she thought was right. He found it amusing that when her mind would be wandering around the rainbow land the girl had the guts and will to go out and do something her brain told her to do the next second. Hadn't she ever heard of the thinking process?

             "When do you think she will get up?" Rey asked breaking the raven haired boy off his trance with his question.

            "Maybe tomorrow, you can come after college" Swayam proposed as he looked at his best friend who was quick enough to decline the idea.

            "No I am staying the night" he declared, now making himself comfortable on the other sofa.

             Swayam, didn't argue further knowing it was going to be useless. He knew Rey's stubborn nature and in situation like this it was impossible to keep him away from Taani. Swayam knew what it was that Rey was feeling, and he wouldn't want to force him in leaving.

       Sharon soon joined the duo, and Swayam ordered pizza for them to eat. It was just silence, something very unnatural when they sat together, but obviously there was one person who was a part of their small group, missing today and it did not feel right. The deadly silence still griping their hearts, the girl sleeping inside was obviously of great importance to all of them.

       And just when they thought it was all calm for a while they heard a ear piercing scream from Taani's room, it was too early then accepted to Swayam. While Rey and Sharon were once again worried, they ran towards the room.

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