When the two worlds collide

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"Taani, I don't want you hero complex being showcased out there in the battle field, okay?" Arjun mumbled as stood in front of the window, out in the forest. The Shield had done a fantastic job in placing a disillusionment charm on the huts that currently occupied the main and powerful wizards ever.

                      "I don't promise anything, brother!" She smirked a teasing glint at him as she looked out to the wild.

"You obey my order or you leave.."He greeted his teeth in anger as he eyed  her in scrutiny. His dark orbs, imposing as he eyed. She kept ignoring him. Her eyes still focused on the wild nature outside. 

                        "They want to break us or kill us. So it's a good thing na, instead of all of us dying just one of us dies."She stated looking at him with a small smile.

"Dad, did not die for one of us to just die.."he just shook his head in negative manner as he saw Swayam talking to Mr. Kumar forming some kind of strategy. The way he spoke in hushed tone, the crease on his forehead, the sweat, the nervous tempo all implicated only one thing ; Swayam was not able to figure it out.

                    "You know, even though he doesn't show it. He will be most affected if anything is to happen to you!" Arjun said simply.


"Even, more than Rey probably.."Arjun stated.

"I know, the same way I will be if anything is to happen to him, not like I don't care about you! Its just that with Swayam its more.." She left the words hanging in air. She loved her brothers each one very dearly. Nor, was it that she loved one more than the other; but maybe she did love one more than the other..

             "Personal"Arjun completed for her. He got it, understood it and even felt it. Swayam and Taani were twins they had their similarities and differences. Unlike other twins; the duo as children never liked the fact of it; Arjun remembered all the crying and whining on sharing the same  birthdays, gifts,  and behavioural traits. He also witnessed them working towards developing different hobbies, somethings are better kept different. But irrespective of how much ever they tried to grow separate : the truth was they were Twins and had an unsaid bond between them. 

"Yes" She nodded as she sighed in exhaustion. She didn't do anything but the idea of whats about to happen exhausted her.


Skipping his way through the large corridors of Shekhawat Manor, Karan never thought he would ever hear some human in it.

                     "Don't you dare forget you are a mere human, a mortal. I can destroy you in seconds!" Marcus growled as he eyed the trembling girl with anger filled eyes. Karan was sure, this is the correct time to run. 'Run' he whispered but the girl didn't budge, with the same fear filled eyes she looked up at Marcus.

"You don't scare me."She whispered in a breathy voice. Karan couldn't see her face properly but damn the girl has a spark. It was very hard for anyone to impress Karan in the first meet and here is this girl whom he hasn't even met yet, but she already had him impressed. Not everyone could stand out to Marcus in this manner.

                        "I didn't help you so you could harm Naina!" The girl screamed in anger.

"Things happen, Naina got what was coming for her. Now how about you get lost? You don't belong here!"Marcus spat as he tied her in a binding charm.

                       The pressure was too much, Karan could tell as eyed the way Marcus was twisting his wand. This is the time to intervene.

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