I need to go..

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Rey and Taani moved apart with embarrassment written on their visage; though the duo didn't look up to the source of disturbance in their very private moment, but they for sure were aware of the four silhouettes in the dark corner of the dimly lighted bedroom.

Slowly one of the figure came out of the dark corner of the room allowing the couple to intake the appearance of the person. Rey could easily point out the resemblance of the young man to his girlfriend; the same pitch black orbs that very well suited the the jet black mop of hair that was styled to perfection. The facial hair that was not commonly seen on Rey and Swayam who both specifically thought of the beard never suiting them adorned the visage of the new entry, the young man was of the same height as that of Rey was dressed in some casual wear which suited him pretty well. Though with all the facial hair and the serious look on his face would make him look a little more intimidating than what he really is, in front of the college couple stood: Arjun Shekhawat, the eldest son of the Shekhawat family.

Taani's blood ran cold as she saw the mischievous glint in those black orbs similar to hers, and that was the moment she realised that she was doomed her elder brother was never going to let her off the hook. She remembers tormenting him for years after she witnessed a similar moment that he shared with his soulmate; Naina. As on cue the rest of the people came out of the dark corner of the room and Taani gulped visibly red-faced to know almost her entire family had seen what just happened. There they stood, her mother; Vaidehi Shekhawat. Besides her stood a old women comparatively shorter to that of Vaidehi, the old woman would have been in her early 70's. The old woman was wearing a grey jumper and her grey black hair were tied up in a neat pony; that was Rajshree Shekhawat, Taani's grandmother seeing whom Taani was soon on her feet out of utter respect, the only Shekhawat daughter had for the eldest member of the family.

"Enjoying a little too much, are we?" The sweet angelic voice of the beauty clad in the yellow curidar smirked slightly at the petite witch standing in front of her.

          "Who the hell are you guys? And how did you even come in here?" Rey questioned as his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion his dark brown orbs looking down at the new entries.

          "Well, we apparated ofcourse!" Arjun smirked as he jumped on the comfortable bed in the middle of the room making himself comfortable.

           "Apparated? What do you mean, you apparated?" Rey questioned again.  Taani wanted to scream and yell at her brother; to keep quiet but her body was stationed there was nothing that she could do she wanted to speak up before anyone else could but she couldn't it was like a slow motion, everything that happened next was so slow in front of her vision as if the fate was laughing and teasing her edging her, mocking her to stop it but there was nothing that the little witch could do.

        "By magic of course, for you being Taani's soulmate a little clueless , aren't you?" This time Naina's voice invaded her thinking process.  Taani's black orbs were now wide open as a shock over took her body.

         "What?" Rey asked as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

          "What do you mean by what?  I am talking about apparation, dude." Arjun said getting up as he held Naina securely in his arms and pulled out his 13 inched wand and with a flick the couple were out of the room.

            (Arjun's wand)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

            (Arjun's wand)

           "Arjun!!" Vaidehi yelled and soon she did the same as her elder son and apparated out of the room with granny by her side.

           "What the freaking hell was that?" Rey yelled as his wide eyes looked up to his guilt ridden girlfriend who had finally been able to overcome her shocked state.

               "Rey...  Please take a seat" She pointed out towards the bed, as the boy timidly followed her command. She soon conjured her wand and with a whip of it,  a glass of water was made available to her boyfriend.

            (Taani's wand)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

            (Taani's wand)

          Rey just kept staring at the glass of water with an horrified expression. His forehead trickled with sweat buds as he saw the scene unfold in horror. Taani sighed before getting a hold of the glass and then moving it towards him.

         "No, thanks" he denied quietly scared to put a foot out of line.

          "You don't need to be scared, you know I am still your Taani"

             "Are you? What is going on? You.. You just...  What?" he was panicking. What was happening around him, he didn't know but he could tell,  but he wasn't ready to say it out loud.

            "Yes Rey, I am a witch. And so is rest of my family."

             He looked up to her with a blank stare as he now got up still trying to wrap everything that was being told by his girlfriend now.

             "How's that possible?" he asked as his stare averted to the ground. He continued after a second or two.

              "How's it possible, that I never noticed anything?"

            "I don't know..." she mumbled slowly as she looked down at the flooring as well, she had never thought of disclosing it to Rey in this manner. Well, actually the Shekhawat daughter didn't even think of disclosing it anytime soon; there wasn't a particular way she planned on telling him but anyway or anyhow could have been better than this.

          "I.. I don't know how to react.." he said truthfully, to which his girlfriend nodded in understanding.

          "I just want you to know that this is it,  this is who I am. I have let my guards down, you can question me about anything you want to know and I'll be honest with you.... This was what I was fearing of.. Of how to tell you.  But now that, it's out in open I'll answer all your questions regarding it." She said,  desperately hoping for him to stay and not run away, what normally people did.

         "I...  I'll have to go..  I have to go.  I need to go"

(Arjun's image above)
I am sorry for the late update..  I had my exams.
Hope you guys enjoy..

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