Hello ladies! Heyaa uglies!!

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Naina was wearing a blue gown that made her look like a goddess on the earth. This ceremony wasn't something she had known of personally but when she heard of it from Arjun she was in love with the idea of Dieu who is the God of the wizards selects a Godparent for every new born wizard... Wonderful isn't it?

Granny sat there on one chair as she had a huge dusty book in front of her, the pages of the book had turned yellow indicating how many generations of the Shekhawats it had served. Sharon looked at everything with a great interest.

Sharon observed as granny closed her eyes chanting something which wasn't audible to her, she looked around to see Taani, Arjun and Naina holding each other tightly and soon felt a warm hand slip around her petite waist, she didn't need to look to know who it was. Swayam's left arm embraced his girlfriend while with his right held his mother's hand protectively.

That's when it happened. Sharon swore she never felt anything like it, powerful. There was wind flowing all around the room, Sharon's eyes started watering as she closed her eyes tightly as her left hand gripped tightly on Swayam's biceps, her manicured nails dug into the flesh of his arm as she held him; fearing the unknown...

"Holy shit" she heard Swayam swear and was sure that her nails are going to leave marks later on, and how much ever she wanted to release his arm to give him some relief she couldn't.

Soon she felt the punishing wind calm down a little, she opened her eyes slowly, and turned directly to check on Swayam; who very subtly managed to point towards something more interesting in front of them through his eyes.

She looked at the scene in front of her, and that's when she felt it a wind as soft as silk. She knew that everybody could feel it just like her, and she loved it. She enjoyed the feeling, it was as if the wind was calling out for her, for her to fly around in its embrace and the only thing allowing her to be rooted to the ground was the man next to her; her soulmate. And she was not upset about the fact, that moment was weird... She was sure that the moment she moved out of Swayam's embrace she would fly and talk with the wind but she would choose to stay close to Swayam anyway.

"Oh Dieu! As you know of my first child gracing us within few months we have asked you to join us and enlighten us with your knowledge for a godparent to our first child! Our best option is standing with us today, my younger sister; Taani Veer Shekhawat."Arjun spoke. To no one in particular but Sharon was sure it was to the warm wind around them.

"Taani Veer Shekhawat! Do you the daughter of the Shekhawat family take the first born child of your elder brother Arjun Veer Shekhawat and his Soulmate; Naina Oberoi, as your Godchild?!" there it was like what normally humans called the whisper of the wind.

"Yes, Dieu!"

After a long pause and what felt like eternity a same voice whispered. "I grant! Taani Veer Shekhawat to be the godmother of the first child to be born to Arjun Veer Shekhawat and Naina Oberoi, whenever the child is to be born. " and soon Taani was crowned with a floral crown just similar to the ones as Naina.

And with the same urgency as the wind was flowing around then with the same urgency it was gone.

"What the hell?! Why didn't I get a crown?!" Arjun complained as he let go of Taani and Naina's hand and slumped on the sofa.

He looked at the matching crowns that adorned on his lady love and sister with envy

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He looked at the matching crowns that adorned on his lady love and sister with envy.

"Sure! How could Dieu forget about the Shekhawat princess?!" Swayam remarked with his usual sarcasm, causing Arjun to frown a little more.


"I am so happy that Dieu accepted of me!!" Taani smiled happily at her two best friends.

"Accepted? You thought Dieu wouldn't grant you?" Naina asked, as she braided Taani's hair who had her head in Naina's lap.

Sharon who sat on the edge of the bed looked at the other two girls. The three girls were slopped in Taani's bedroom as they chatted around, after the ritual.

It was weird and she had never felt anything like this, growing up she never had this; a family. Her parents were always out of country and she was to live with her nanny. She never imagined what it is to have a family, to have siblings... She always envied Swayam and Taani's bond but now that it has come for it, she also wishes to have something like this for a family.

Even she wants her mother to hug her and share her problems with, instead of just having a 30 mins vedio chat, once a week. She wants a brother like Arjun who would make her feel protected and loved, she wants a sister like Taani who would maybe be a little stubborn but at the end of the day apologise for the sake of the family.

Sharon wanted a family like this, where there's love, respect and care for each other. It's been hardly any days that she got to know these amazing people but it feels like she has known them since forever. She felt a sense of belonging and loyalty towards this family, this felt like her own family. It was a new feeling, the sense of belongingness she felt with the Shekhawats was new to her, cause since childhood her only family had been her nanny, Rey and her Virtual parents.

"Oye! Where are you lost?" Naina asked as she snapped her fingers infront of Sharon'd dazed face.

"No.. Nothing just.. Just thinking how beautiful this family is..." She tried to explain but couldn't voice her emotions and thoughts any better.

"Ofcourse, it's beautiful! It has some of the prettiest ladies in the entire world" Taani snorted as she cut Sharon in between, knowing the hardships of Sharon with her family.

"Yeah but it also has a couple ugly faces!" Naina continued as she looked serious and turned towards Sharon.

"Sure damn! Have you seen my brothers!!" Taani joked as the the girls burst out laughing together.

The conversation continued as the girls laughed and giggled. It was the most beautiful sight for the brothers when they walked in the room to witness, they saw their soulmates laughing and talking to their sister and each other as if they have known the other since the previous life.

'Remember how we always wanted our soulmates to get along well with each other and our family? Dieu loves us to be gifting us these angels right?' Arjun's voice boomed through Swayam's blank mind, which startled him for a second or two before he scowled at his elder brother.

'Stop talking to me like that! You know I don't like it!!' Swayam complained, but he couldn't deny the fact that Arjun was absolutely right.

"Hello ladies!" They called out as they went ahead to join the three girls.

"Heyaa uglies!!"Taani greeted the two boys, after hearing which the boy's stopped dead in their tracks.

"Taani you need specs there's just one Swayam here! Call him hey ugly!" Arjun snapped as he walked casually towards his girlfriend and sat down next to her looking down at his own sister who had rested her head on his soulmate's lap he muttered something under his breath and Taani was soon pushed aside, as he placed his head on Naina's lap instead.

Taani looked up utterly shocked at her elder brother but huffed not complaining any further.

"Why are you standing there?" Sharon asked as she saw her man stand at the same place as a few seconds back, not moving an inch.

"Cause I am utterly shocked at the fact that someone could call a breathing piece of art, ugly!" He said as he narrowed his eyes down at his own siblings.

"I ain't moving an inch until you two apologize! I am a freaking masterpiece made by Dieu, himself" Swayam continued.


Granny sat in her room quietly to herself as she read through the old book, her specs resting on her forehead head as she squinted her eyes to read through small prints of the age old book.

Dieu tends to approve the child to be born as a godchild to the godparent.

Why did Dieu specially mention that Taani is granted as the godmother, whenever the child is to be born?


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