Mated to a damn princess!!

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                                As the usual white mini cooper entered the college gate of St.Louis people were more curious of the two new faces entering the college premises, with the Shekawat twins and Sharon. Even though students were particularly busy ogling over the couple they definitely didn't miss the resemblance the new guy had with that of the twins.

                                 "So, this is St.Louis! Welcome, Naina!" Swayam smirked as he saw Naina grip Arjun's arm tightly as she looked around uncomfortably hiding behind her boyfriend from the judging eyes of unknowns. That was her only weakness, she was socially awkward. Arjun glared at Swayam sensing his teasing tone.

                              "Don't worry Naina, you've got us!" Sharon tried to comfort the girl, who barely looked up to give a thankful smile.

                              "How considerate of you Sharon, unlike your boyfriend!" Arjun spat the last part in Swayam's face who threw his hands up in surrender understanding Arjun's unrest.

                              "Chill! Naina, we've got your back. lets get your formalities done." Taani tried to cheer her childhood friend while dragging her along with her and Sharon following them with a soft smile playing on her lips as she could hear the two boys coming in behind them with Arjun complaining to Swayam about absolutely everything in the college.

                              "There are teenagers around! These people are like what? 17? 18? 20?is that a 16 year old?" the elder boy looked around his eyes inspecting everyone around.

                            "YEAH! Lord! its a college Arjun! what kind of age group did you expect here? bloody 60 year olds? And just to let you know your girlfriend is herself 20! MR 23 year old!" Swayam sassed back, making Sharon giggle as she sped up catching the girls and ignoring the rest of the conversation.

                               Upon reaching the principal's cabin Arjun and Naina walked in, while Taani, Swayam and Sharon stood outside waiting for them.

                             The trio stood there talking and laughing to themselves, when Taani's eyes caught the brown orbs that as usual seemed to  gain her attention. "Rey.." She whispered slowly. Hearing her small whisper Swayam and Sharon's head snapped towards the direction where Taani's black orbs  seemed to be fixed.

                              Rey's eyes took in her every feature, how a smile seemed to adore her pink lips as her eyes lit up in hopes seeing  him. His heart swell up in pride knowing that nobody except for himself has ever made her feel all these feelings. He noticed her wearing the navy blue crop top that he loves. Slowly looking down at himself to find himself wearing a navy blue shirt himself, normally he would have joked about how they were made to be; Soulmates.

                          There were times that he would joke around  the subject  not understanding the importance of the  word to Taani.  He averted his gaze from Taani towards Swayam and Sharon, who stood there in each others embrace, oh how he wished he could do the same with Taani.

                   But his ego was not letting him follow his heart.The only question running through his mind was, if Swayam could trust Sharon with this, then why couldn't Taani trust him the same way? Why was it so difficult for her to tell him everything? Was he not worthy enough to know the family secret?

                    Anger built up in him as his facial expression now turning stone cold. He turned around leaving the trio speechless at his cold behaviour towards them, Taani who was about to have yet another breakdown controlled her tears noticing the crowded corridor.

                    "Guys! guess who's joining the college?" Naina's happy voice brought them back to planet earth. They turned around to see a beaming Naina and a sulking Arjun. 

           Taani ignored the painful twitch in her heart after seeing her soulmate ignore her so coldly but decided to put a smile to welcome her best friend in a warm embrace which was later joined in by Sharon.

                   The girls gathered in a hurdle gushing about their excitement to be together now. While Arjun dragged Swayam aside, "What the hell? how can people join in your college, mid term? are there no rules or regulation?"

             Swayam ended up laughing and once again ended up engaging himself in another useless debate with his elder brother.The two brothers followed the girls towards the canteen lost in their conversation.

             Entire family sat down on a table as the boys offered to order, thew duo moved out once again letting the girls gush over their excitement. The girls were so busy in themselves to have to notice the table being occupied by the dance team.

            "Hey Sharon and Taani! Who's this?" Simmi asked as she sat next to Sharon nudging her. Taani looked around to see everyone sitting on the table and Rey taking a seat furthest to her, with Kriya practically glued to his arm.

                  Naina having noticed the tension between Taani and her soulmate decided to intervene. "Rey! Hi! sorry we couldn't have a formal introduction that day! I am Naina! Taani's childhood friend and Arjun; that is taani's elder brother's girlfriend"Naina moved ahead forwarding her hand for handshake. Which Rey accepted with a small smile and taking it as the only chance to get rid of Kriya's  dead tight grip on his arm.

               Rey even moved ahead grabbing the opportunity to change his place taking a seat next to Naina after  giving her a small hug.

                   "Tee! a little help here please" Arjun's voice yelled out and Taani soon moved out noticing that Rey was getting uncomfortable under her presence.

                 "Bloody hell! that man has more problem than that of any girls i have known" Taani muttered as she neared her brothers. Her angry stomps making it clear of her frustrated mood.

               She stood in front of them while her eyes on the tray full of snacks she pulled out the cup of cold coffee and chugging it down, "woah! easy there tiger! What's wrong?" Arjun asked as he saw his sister downing the entire cup once while Swayam moved to order once again complaining about how his sister is actually an alien, bloody who behaves this way?  drink a full cup of coffee in one go? not even a damn pissed writer does that, do they?

                                "Bloody hell! I think I am mated to a damn princess of some kind! I mean, What's the damn issue I didn't tell him a few things that's it, alright? It's not like i have taken out one of his kidneys while he's sleeping. and then be all chilled about it giving him an assurance of how he has two of those..."She huffed looking towards the direction where he sat talking to Naina.

                            Arjun hinted for her to continue which she gladly did "I mean you expect a guy to come up and try and talk differences out, and then there's my man sulking around everywhere and trying to ignore me like, what the hell?"

                           Arjun laughed at her irritated expression as Swayam came in with some more food, for the dance team. 

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