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                           Sharon ran out of the class, the moment the bell rang signalling the end of the lecture and college for the day. But the only thing running through the mind of the diva was the curt message sent to her by her boyfriend.

                           Last time she had ran towards the Shekhawat House was to find  her best friend in an unconscious condition bleeding to death. She could only pray to god that none of such to have happened once again.

                            She walked briskly out of the corridor crowded by students fooling around, her heart thumping against her chest as she not so gracefully passed the corridor. Her mind quickly brought in another person who should be and is a part of the Shekhawat Family drama, she quickly speed dialled her best friend as she tried to hire a cab, but her call went unanswered.

                             "I swear to god Singhania, pick up" she muttered trying once again but to no avail.  "Oh lord why is Rey such a princess? mopping around like one" she kept muttering as she finally hired a cab telling the driver the route towards her boyfriend's house, she tried for the the third time.

                              "Reyansh Baljeet Singhania!" She screeched as soon as the phone was answered, making the boy shudder being called out for his full name, he never liked Baljeet even though it was his father's name he wished he could change that... thank god his mother picked out the name for him.

                                 "Yes, Sharonjeet Raiprakash?! What is the great emergency? I was literally about to eat my second ice-cream.." he muttered as a matter of fact looking at the big scoop of Chocolate Ice-cream in the bowl waiting patiently for him.

                                   "Ice-cream? could you get any more girly?"She asked rubbing her forehead in clear frustration and before she got a reply from the other side she was quick enough to pass an order.

                                    "Swayam's apartment right now! something's happened"She said and cut the call she couldn't deal with his questions anymore or one could say she couldn't deal with Rey anymore.

                                    Rey's eyes widened as he let the information sink in, he quickly rushed towards the fridge setting the ice-cream in refrigerator  and running off to get his bike keys.

                                     The route from the college to Taani's apartment was almost 45 mins but from Rey's apartment it hardly took 10 minutes. He hopped on his bike and was off towards the his desired destination. He went off with whatever happened in the morning Taani had been edgy since the reached the college and he noticed it but still argued with her....Dumb, Dumb seriously can he be anymore of an idiot. She needed him with her, and not against her. He sighed internally as he took a sharp left to the street where the house stood in its great glory, he saw Sharon paying the cab driver just outside the gate.

                                 As he parked his bike on the usual spot he felt Sharon come and stand behind him, he was about to turn and ask her about the great emergency; the duo heard a heart shattering feminine scream from inside the ran towards the door..


                               "No, mum I and Arjun have spoken about it, we want it to be a surprise and I'm glad that Swayam hasn't disclosed it to us!" Naina smiled gleefully.

                                 "Where's Granny?" Naina asked again after a few seconds of peaceful silence, Vaidehi smiled adoringly towards the beautiful girl... always caring for others.

When the two worlds collide...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora