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                                  Spells were thrown around mercilessly, as the three siblings fought together against the dark forces. They protected and attacked; their spells balancing each others as they were taught, throughout their training. Even though Swayam was participating in the wizard conflicts for the first time over the years, but it felt like he never left; like he stood next to his siblings over the years.

                 There were continuous spells thrown from the other side of the room as well, by Granny. The old woman could still hold her grounds in wizarding conflicts, making the hunters skip their breaths every now and then.

                                   "Shield!!" Arjun yelled and soon a protection shield  surrounded himself and his  siblings. As the shield deflected a  spell thrown towards them by one of the hunters. The blood red spark of the spell sure would have been a bad news for  anyone who was hit by it.

                                    "Fantastic GRIFFIN!" the twins cried. Thanking their lucky stars that the spell didn't scratch them.

                  Smirking, Arjun Shekhawat continued with the conflict. With the growing fight the younger sibling continued to grow frustrated with everything, her only aim was to aid her mother and run towards her unconscious best friend; Naina.

                    "Perish!" Taani whispered and the next second a dead body lay on the floor of the Shekhawat apartment. The hunters flew off immediately, one by one they disappeared into thin air.

            The Shekhawat brothers who stood a little shocked at what had just happened moved a few seconds behind their sister the twins aiding their mother and Arjun ran towards his twin.

                        "Swayam, go have a look at Naina, I'll take of her." Granny ordered, her tone made Swayam know the woman was in no mood for any discussion.  A very reluctant Swayam went towards Naina, not that he didn't want to help Naina, lord knows he did, but just the thought of leaving his mother unattended pained him. He had always been a  mummy's boy.


 Rey and Taani stood in the backyard as Taani  magically,  lowered the body of the hunter that she killed during the conflict, six feet under the ground. Rey just stood there quietly, he didn't understand what was happening all he knew was that Taani killed the man that she buried in the ground right now with wizardry rituals.

              His eyes followed as Taani sprinkled something out of a small bottle in the surroundings.  Another thing that he had noticed was that she had made sure to hand the wizard his wand before him being cremated.

 He didn't know why he was here, Taani told him there was no need for him to come but he was still there; even though he did absolutely nothing he felt that he needed to be there; for her. The world that he came from, all such things were mostly done by men.  "We don't distinguish on  the bases of sex, Reyansh  besides if your soulmate has the power to commit something,  I have made my granddaughter independent enough to take care of the consequences."  That was the first time granny really spoke to him and my, was the woman intimidating.

                 "Done" Taani muttered as she made her way in the house, her head hung low her composure tired and disheartened. Rey knew she felt guilty, he knew a part of her was eating her alive, as its not everyday that you kill somebody and top it  all off, this was Taani the girl wouldn't even hurt a fly if she was to decide.

 Rey quietly followed behind his girlfriend; into the house. Vaidehi Shekhawat was now conscious but her eyes like all the others had fixed theirs  on Swayam who treated Naina. And by everyone he did not mean Arjun and Taani.

                   Arjun stood away from his family his back turned away from each member. And Taani who had been with him spared one glance at Naina before turning towards Arjun and standing next to her brother, her back again towards the family.

Rey went on to sit with Sharon who held Vaidehi 's hands in her tight grip.

                      Sighing, Swayam turned towards his siblings. "Do you two feel anything?" Rey's eyes turned along with that of all the family members towards Arjun and Taani.

Slowly the two heads started shaking in a negative manner. The two humans; Rey and Sharon took a while to realise what had happened, while Vaidehi immediately broke down in sobs. The family slowly entered a mourning state as Naina slept in her unconscious state, not knowing that she had lost her baby.

                      Arjun sat there his arms securely wrapped around his crying mother, who  sobbed bitterly as she blamed herself for everything. Arjun tried to sooth the woman he had always looked up to and assured her that she wasn't the one to be blamed for everything that had happened. His black orbs travelled through that of each and every family member; they were too busy mourning, and he knew he had to stand strong for his family. He quickly wiped a lone tear off his cheeks, and cradled his weeping mother to sleep, it took him ours but he was able to get her some rest.

After making sure his mother was well rested he walked into the living room again to see Swayam holding a crying Sharon; Arjun was amused to see how close she and his soulmate had grown over past couple of days.

                     He saw granny sitting next to Naina who still laid unconscious on the sofa. Granny slowly pat Naina's forehead with her tender touch. Her eyes not blinking as she looked at Naina with utter love and affection. Though his mother and Granny never really got along, Granny loved Naina, she was too affectionate of the human sometimes, her affection towards Naina even surpassed her affection for Arjun and Taani.

Arjun looked around for his sister and finally found her sitting in the corner of the room far away from everybody, her eyes red and puffy but still no stain of tear on her red cheeks. Her body was so rigid and motionless that her presence was hardly felt in the room. Her eyes wandered around the floor without any destination.


Arjun turned around to see Rey standing there with a glass of water in his hand, he looked up to the boy he looked a little stressed, not that they could blame him. The boy never signed up for all  this; this crazy Shekhawat family..


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