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Marcus paced slowly and steadily against the wooden  flooring of his room, his steps slow and heavy,  his eyes trained down to his boots. The man waited patiently to in the dark room lit by an old styled candles. The room screamed old-school and unaware of human science, such as electricity.

                "Uncle Marcus you called me?" Karan asked as he peeked into the room slowly as his eyes only waited for a low nod of head from Marcus indicating an approval to enter the room.

Karan pulled himself in the room, his discomfort easily visible on his face as he stood in front of his uncle. He remembered the time he was too excited to be able to meet his uncle with joy and happiness not worry and doubtfulness.  

                 "You were mournful? towards the loss of the baby?" Marcus cut the chase and came straight to the point. So, unlikely of him to do that but Karan was happy straight forward questions would be more easy to answer than that of jumbled up ones where he never knew when karan would slip up the information of the shield.

  "Honestly?" Karan started but stopped to look at his uncle's face, void of any emotions predictable. "Yes, I am mournful of what happened, I know Naina is on their side she is one of the  reasons as to why all this is happening, as you have taught me since childhood I also hate her for who she is.." He gulped loudly, hate is a strong word! "But she is a Oberoi! she is my sister and that baby was half Oberoi, I can't help butt mourn at the loss of the Oberoi blood." He completed not looking up to Marcus scared to get caught.

                          "If Oberoi blood is what you are mournful about please go ahead... and mourn. But you know it is unexpectable to sympathise over Naina and those Shekhawats! They will be the reason of wizardry extinction, I tell you! And I won't let that happen! The legendary trio under the hands of mere humans! Unexpectable!" Marcus said under his breath.


" You wanted The Livre?" Swayam asked as he walked into the small balcony of Rey's place. It was funny what Swayam had done to the 2BHK flat of Reyansh in Mumbai, to fit everybody. 

                      "Yes, I wanted, as to learn as why didn't my magic respond?" Taani murmured, as  she took the book from Swayam as she put the heavy book down on the table looking at him directly waiting impatiently to answer her queries. Sighing Swayam nodded indicating that he had read efficiently on the topic. Taani sighed she never liked reading everything and was glad that Swayam would mostly provide her with answers.

"Our Magic is bonded to our old God-child; true!But only if the god child is capable to take the magic. i.e if the god-child is of magical blood, but as Naina is a human her Child was of the human kind." Swayam answered. 

                        "But, then doesn't that make any sense, if the child was a human, shouldn't it be like that my magic should've reciprocated more to that child? As in, if the child was of magical blood, we all know it would have been back and live, so my magic should have been more protective of the child, if it was of the human kind."

"That's just how it is, Taani, Its the need for the survival of Magical blood, Magic will  only reciprocate Magical blood." Swayam shrugged in response. As Taani sighed in despair, she knew it was the truth though cruel it was real. 


"Rey!" Kriya's voice called out. The two best friends  stopped in the tracks to look at Kriya who ran  towards them panting.

                    "Kriya, YES? how can we help you?" Sharon asked in a extra sugar coated tone. Rey stood quietly looking down at his white shoes, he thought of Kriya as a friend, but now he's no longer comfortable under her presence. It was very complicated, he by now understood that she still harboured some kind of romantic feelings for him, but he was happily committed. Also the fact that whenever Kriya spoke, her dislike for Taani was always on a display for everybody, which made conversing with her even more uncomfortable.

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