I want you to be...

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           The eldest son of the Shekhawat family kept his eyes fixed to the girl, whom he had given all his heart and would repeat the process a million times more if it meant for them to end up together. The girl was a blessing to him. Growing up reading the the bookish definition of what a soulmate is repeating it time and again to his mother and granny, when he realized that the 14 year old girl clad in the pink frock sitting on the dinning table  one fine summer afternoon lecturing his own  sister was his soulmate; let's be honest he was disturbed a little. The 2 years of age difference that the two had, always made him feel uneasy. And the fact that the girl studied in the same grade as his younger siblings was definitely not helping. But still here they are,  and nothing had changed Naina once again had lectured Taani on what is right and what is wrong and now was sitting on the bed crying a river thinking that her best friend hates her.

         If one thing Arjun Shekhawat has learnt growing up and has followed by heart was to never interfere in their fights,  cause at the end of the day it's the two of them against everyone else.

          "Tell me Arjun, explain me the side that I don't understand." Naina turned towards her soulmate looking at him helplessly slowly wiping her tears stricken face.

         This is what he never understood about the woman in front of him,  she very well understood that there are always two sides to each story but  chose react after listening to only one side of it and then calmly tried to understand the second part of the story. But he always willfully explained it to her and he will do so this time as well....

           "Well first of all, we wizards are very possessive about our mates and don't really like anyone else telling us how we should behave with them, then let it be our family we won't have it. So, yeah whatever Taani said was just the reaction of a witch who thought you were interfering between her and her soulmate. Also you need to understand where Taani comes from, Rey isn't from our world,.he isn't a magical folk. He had no idea of all of this and opening it up to him,  would have been quite a task. I am sure Taani was planning on telling it to him very soon,  just couldn't decide when to do it. I also understand where you're coming from.... Whatever went down with us was a little rough patch for both of us and Taani who had been with us through it all, you expected her to not repeat it. But as you always say so that people learn from 'their' so I am guessing Taani needed to make her own to learn from it.  And also, I'm sure they won't reach our kind of extreme level." he chuckled slowly thinking about the small incident which looked as if the world was ending for them back then.

        Naina nodded in understanding as she still sat quietly on the bed looking on the marble flooring not meeting the gaze of her soulmate. Who sat in front of her, in the bamboo chair that he conjured for himself out of thin air before he started to explain her. His large hands held her soft ones in his as he spoke to her with such a soft tone which was always used on her.
     "I also wanted to ask you, how bad was it?  When I left?  Like what was the exact feeling you felt? I know we said we would never bring it up but I just..  I wanna know,  please tell me" she finally asked.

        "Killed me,  it felt like my heart was on fire. I almost attacked and took down Swayam and Taani when they tried to calm me. I don't know how to explain it you,  let's just say it was one of those scenes from that werewolf stories that you read on wattpad. I just didn't turn into any animal." he smirked at her and she smiled lightly.

        He kept looking at her, and her silence hinted him that she has understood each and every word he just spoke. He then moved on to speak further,

        "I also would like to remind you that, it's not good...  It's not good for you to stress out in situations like these okay?! I know you get worried about us, that we are your family and you want us all happy but you gotta realize love,  we are Shekhawats we know how to be happy in the darkest of times. We know how to smile even though we have tears flowing down our eyes each second." he reassured her smiling softly which was returned by his lady love.

          "Agreed, we know how to smile through the darkest of times cause through those times our only source of light is our family. You're a part of it Naina, you're my family and as you know we Shekhawats may fight, argue and what all but at the end of the day we are family. We die of each other and kill for each other as well..."  came in the small voice of the youngest member of the family as she walked into the shared room of the couple smiling softly looking guilty. She walked straight towards Naina holding her ears she looked down on the floor.

        "Sorry" that's all she said.

  But didn't get any answer from the girl who even though was merely 8 months elder to Taani was way more matured and smart than her.  The girl who thought their friendship was more like a mother than a friend for the first time looked like she debated on whether to forgive Taani or not..

       "Please!! Naina please forgive me and I'll do whatever you want. A trip to London? Paris?  New York?  Whatever you want you have it." Taani ended up proposing a deal,  something she did everytime in exchange of a forgiveness, which Naina always ended up denying, but this time...

         "No, I don't want your trips. I want some else..."

         Arjun smiled now understanding how the wheels of Naina's brain was working and to be honest he liked it. Naina looked down towards him; who still sat on the bamboo chair smiling in return giving an encouraging nod.

         Naina moved forward to hold her best friend's hands tightly in her small palms showcasing emotions that Taani was not able to read and probably will never be. Taani ended up looking at the girl with her brows furrowed together as if she had grown another head.

      Slowly Naina whispered "Taani I want you to be..."

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