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I waited for Poppy for about ten minutes, before she banged the shop door. I opened it, and she gave me a smile that made me feel all warm inside. She was wearing a mustard pinafore dress with bees on it, a plain black t-shirt, black tights, and a pair of cherry red Dr Martens, that complemented her guitar.

"Good morning Finley Green," she said. "Oh. Hi Mr Callaghan." She waved at Cal who was locking up the till.

"Good morning, Poppy. How are you?" Cal waved back, smiling.

"I'm good, I'm good," she said.

"Well, I'm just gonna go back here... and leave you kids to talk..." Cal said, backing away slowly into the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes, then turned back at Poppy. "A very good morning to you Pop-Star..." I paused.

"Sorry. I apparently tried to say Poppy, and Starr at the same time, but - Popstar - Poppy Starr - Oh my god, I love that," I smiled and she rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Really?" she groaned. "Popstar? That's like the worst nickname ever-"

"And that's why I like it," I smirked, and she slapped her face.

"Popstar - Poppy Starr - I am so proud of that." I grinned.

"Shut up!" she yelled, pulling me out of the shop by my arm. Deep down, I know she loved it.

We walked to the train station which wasn't far from Cal's, bought two tickets, and arrived at Cardiff.

"Damn. It feels like it's been years since I've been here," I said, stepping off the train.

"You good?" Poppy asked, grabbing my hand.

My heartbeat was faster as I felt her skin against mine. Our eyes met, and I was completely and utterly, and entirely in love with her. I know it seems too sudden, and I don't believe in love at first sight, and all of that dribble that people tell you, but I feel something between us, and I think she can feel it too.

"So... where are we going my little Popstar?" I asked.

"You watch out. Using words like 'little'. I'm only two months younger than you," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Poppy. Where are we going?"

"I was thinking maybe Spoons for breakfast?-"

"I'm sorry, what?" I interrupted.

"For food. Go to Spoons," she repeated.

I sighed. "I can't believe I'm hanging out with a girl that refers to Wetherspoon, as Spoons." I shook my head.

"Fine. We'll go to Wetherspoon. Better?"

I nodded my head. "Better."

Wetherspoon wasn't too far away from the train station. I ordered a lasagne, and Poppy ordered a pepperoni pizza. As much as I hate it, Poppy paid for the meals... but this wasn't a date? Was it?

"So... Poppy. Tell me about Bronwyn and Izzy. They seem pretty cool," I said, slurping down my Coke.

"Mhm... yeah. Bronwyn does acting and singing... amazing singer. Izzy is just a great person, funny as fuck. I love her."

"That's neat. Are they in your class or something?" I asked.

She sighed. "No. But I wish they were really bad... they go to a different school which sucks. I'm lonely as hell in lessons. Apart from Josh, I don't have anyone else," she giggled, tucking into her pizza.

"Yeah. He's a good guy... has he said anything?" I asked, intrigued whether or not he's said something about me liking her.

She lowered her eyebrows. "Like what?"

"Um... he um... he wants me to be in his band! Kind of... I guess... they're not a band yet." I looked down at the floor, embarrassed that I just yelled.

"You can't join them! What the fuck, Finn? What about our duo?" She pretended to be angry... or at least I think so.

"Exactly... that's why I wanted to see... if he's said anything to you. That's all. Jeez." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the ketchup.

"They're nice people though - Josh's friend group. I've hung out with them a few times. Good guys," she said.

I nodded, dipping my chips into the ketchup. "You're friends with Alana, aren't you?"

"Yup. Izzy and Bronwyn are my best friends, but she's my number one."

I smiled. "Yeah, she's pretty cool. I've known her for years."

"Did you go to the same primary or something?" she asked.

"Yeah... before I met Josh... I had problems in school... I was bullied badly, but she was there for me," I answered.

"Yeah, she's helped me with stuff," she said.

"She's helped me too. She is the true saviour here," I added.

She laughed. "She would've loved that you called her saviour."

"Oh, I know she would've." I scoffed down more of my chips.

"We should do something one day. Me - you - Alana - Josh and his friends. That would be chill," she said.

"Maybe? I don't know. Josh used to have a crush on Alana and I don't know how things are between them... I'm sure things are good but to put them in a room together?" I said.

"Good point. It's worth a try though," she replied.

We finished our food, and she spoke more about her friends, and I lightly talked about my Mum. Of course, I want her to know, but I just don't know when the right time is to tell her. I just don't know if she'll accept me for me. If I want to have a future with this girl, she has to know the truth, right?

But I just don't know if she can handle it or not.

The Old Tuck ShopHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin