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I already knew where Josh lived (I had been there a thousand times already) and it wasn't too far away from Cal's.

He lived in a large, white terrace house, with his mum, younger sister Molly, and older sister Ella.


Ella was five years older than Josh and me. She had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and thick glasses that were adorable. I had the biggest crush on her. She was probably in UNI by now, as she was twenty.

Knocking on the door, I was greeted by his mum Sarah. Without saying anything, she hugged me tightly. She looked exactly like Josh and had the biggest personality, and in a way, she was my Mum too.

"Oh, my goodness! Finn! How have you been babes?" she asked, squeezing me tightly.

"Yeah, everything's been good, Sarah. And you?" I replied.

"Yeah, it's been fab, Molly started year 3, and...oh, Ella's back from Uni for a while."

"That's fab! Is she enjoying Uni? What is she studying?"

"It's taken a while for her to get settled in, but I think she's fine now. She's been studying law. She's been locked up in her room."

"That's good."

"Where is that little monster then? Molly?" I joked.

"Molly! Guess who's here!" she shouted.

Molly peeked from behind the door.

"Is that you, Mollybobs?" I whispered.

She grinned, before giving me a huge hug.

"Finny!" she shouted.

"How have you been Mols? Mammy says that you've started year 3! How's it been?" I asked.

"Hard," she replied.

"How come?" I chuckled.

"They've given us so much bloody homework! I'm only seven you know!"

"Molly!" her mum said, clipping her arm.

"Sorry, but it's just unfair!" She crossed her arms.

"Wait until Uni," a voice giggled.

I turned around. It was Ella. Wow, she looked different. Much different. She had dyed her hair blonde ombré and wasn't wearing her cute ass glasses.

"Ella, how's it been? Your Mam said you're in Uni," I said, hugging her.

"Yeah, it's been great! Molly's already given you sass?" she snickered.

Molly pouted.

"Hahaha. Very funny. I was just making a point."

"Oh, yeah? And what was that?" Ella asked.

"How stressful year 3 is!" she answered.

"I highly doubt that," Ella chuckled, pinching her cheeks.

"Ugh, whatever! I've got a Ben and Jerry's in the freezer that's calling my name." She stormed out of the room.

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