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"Come on guys! Get up!" Molly shouted, banging her foot up against the door. Josh groaned as if he expected this to happen.

"Come on!" She banged harder, "It's nearly 12!"

I checked the time on Josh's phone - 11:36 am. I didn't think that it was that late.

"Guys!-" she started yelling again.

"Molly! Will you just - eff off!" Josh yelled, shoving his pillow over his head.

"Mam! Josh told me the f-word!" Molly shouted down the stairs.

"No, I didn't!" Josh shouted back at her.

"Guys!" Molly yelled.

"Molly..." he paused. He smirked and looked at me.

"Finn, did you know that Molly has a boyfriend?" Josh asked, "...yeah it's really serious."

I chuckled, slapping his shoulder. "You're evil."

"No. I. Do. Not," Molly snapped, banging the door harder and faster.

"Yeah she does," Josh whispered in my ear.

"No, I do not!" Molly shouted, banging the door harder.

"She does, she's just shy," he teased.

"The chances of Molly being shy is one to a million," I joked.

"True, but she does have one. He came round our house last week, his name is Tommy or something-"

"He came round because we were partners for a project," Molly interrupted.

"Ah, that's what they call "going out" nowadays, is it?" he snickered.

"No. We're doing a project on the Titanic! I didn't even want to be partners with him! He's weird!" she said.

"And ugly," she added.

"I'll make sure I tell him that when you two are smooching," Josh laughed.

"Ugh, you are mean!" She kicked the door once more, before stomping down the stairs in a tantrum.

"That was horrible," I chuckled, throwing my pillow at Josh.

"I know. But it is true," he smirked.

"You mean, little Molly has got a boyfriend?"

"Mhm," he answered.

"How do you know? They might just be friends-"

"I saw Molly kiss him on the cheek. Friends don't do that," he interrupted.

"You're such a perv! Spying on little kids. Shame on you Adams," I joked.

He chuckled.

"Anyway, I should be going...Cal might need help around the shop. I'm not sure if I'm working today or not." I put on my hoodie and put my blanket into my backpack.

"You don't have to go right now," I said.

"I would love to hear the argument between you and Mol, but I want to make the most of today," I answered.

"Yeah, I understand." He walked me downstairs, and out the front door.

"Tell Sarah I said thank you for having me," I said.

"Will do. You're welcome anytime," he smiled, waving.

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