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Do you know what hurts the most? When you awake from a really amazing, but also saddening dream and go back into the real world and realise that it didn't happen, and you have to go through the day hoping that it would. Hurts a lot, doesn't it? It's happened before but today felt different. I don't want to sound stupid or anything, but I dreamt about Poppy all night; dreamt about holding her hand in mine, feeling her lips on my cheek, her soft touch against me. I awoke. Sat up, sighed, and rested my head on my hand. It was wonderful but also horrible at the same time.

I gave myself a few minutes to adjust back to reality before I even attempted to walk to the kitchen, where I could smell Cal cooking something delicious. I looked across to the mirror and stared at myself. I wondered if I was good enough for Poppy. I brushed my hair out of my face, but that did nothing. It just looked as dishevelled as always. My fringe was getting too long now. I could barely see past my eyes, and I'd have to blow it out of my face in most situations. Another thing I never considered is that I'd have to pay to get my hair cut myself when I became homeless.

When I could no longer nick pick my face, I walked into the kitchen and the smell of bacon filled my nose.

"Oh. Good morning, sunshine. You're up early," he said, smiling.

I yawned and looked at the clock: 6:47 am. "Didn't realise it was that early. The smell of bacon must've woke me up," I chuckled, and sat down at the table.

"Couldn't sleep, could you?" he asked, putting the bacon and eggs on the plates.

"Just couldn't get back to sleep, you know? So I thought I may as well get up." I rested my head on my hands again, and thought about the dream, sighing at the realisation that it wasn't real.

"There you go, son. Eat up," he passed the plate to me, before pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"Mmm smells delicious." The smell of bacon filled my nose, and I thought I was going to drool.

"So. What are the plans for today?" he asked. "I don't need your help, so go have fun with Josh and do whatever you kids are doing these days."

I smiled, chomping on my food. "Well, I was thinking of having a shower first. If that's okay, of course-"

"Cae." he interrupted. "I've told you like a million times. You don't need to ask me if you can use the shower, or use the toilet, or even breathe."

"Okay, maybe not that extreme," I laughed. "I might go out with Josh today, but I'm not sure yet."

"Well, whatever you do, have fun."

"You sure you don't need help? I can honestly stay if you want," I asked, tucking into my fried eggs.

"Don't be stupid. I may be old, but I'm not as weak as I look," he answered.

We both laughed, and finished our food, just making casual conversation. Afterwards, I went into the shower.

As I covered my hair with shampoo, I remembered how Poppy was so excited that I could play the guitar, and how she really wanted to make some sort of duo, or at least make a song together. I have never been the singer-songwriter kind of person. All I've ever done in the past were just covers of Beatles songs after Ton had begged me like a million times. But I would be up to writing a song; especially if it would be with Poppy.

I jumped out of the shower, threw on my clothes and dried my hair with a towel before heading back to my room. Before I walked in, I saw Cal in the landing. "Hey, Cal. You wouldn't have a guitar just lying around here would you?" I asked.

He puffed. "Oh, I don't know. There's probably one around here somewhere. I can look for you if I have any spare time today. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. Just curious," I turned around and smiled to myself.

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