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Charlie was sitting on his roof. He had shoulder-length, bright red hair, and freckles. He was wearing a red and black flannel, black jeans, and Rick and Morty socks. He held a ukulele and was playing Riptide, practically screaming the lyrics.

"My ears are bleeding," Josh said, putting his hands over his ears.

Charlie pouted. "Rude. Inconsiderate. Arsehole."

"Well, I think it was very good," Blaidd chuckled, "especially loved the high notes. I loved it."

"I didn't," Josh muttered.

"Thank you, Bleddyn. I can always count on you for the compliments," Charlie replied, glaring at Josh.

I didn't know what to say or do, so I just gave an awkward smile and waved.

"You're Finn, aren't you!" Charlie said as if he'd only now noticed me. "I'm loving the hoodie. Rocking the homeless look I see."

I smiled and nodded, "thanks?..."

"That's exactly what I said," Blaidd exclaimed, "we are so in sync!"

"Great minds do think alike Bleddyn," Charlie replied, he placed his ukulele on the window sill and gestured us to come inside.

"Charl, you got any Pepsi's?" Blaidd asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" Charlie replied bluntly, and we all went inside.

"Always got us covered," Josh laughed.

His bedroom was quite small; the walls were painted a chalk-white and had dark oak ceiling beams. Plastered on his walls were posters of the TV show Stranger Things, and the band My Chemical Romance. There were two guitars in the corner of his room; a black acoustic, and a dark brown electric. His bed wasn't made, and there were cans of Pepsi and packets of sweets scattered all over the floor.

"Want one?" Charlie asked, holding out a can of Pepsi.

"Yeah, sure," I replied. I sat down on the bed and was immediately squeezed into the corner by Blaidd. He laughed.

Charlie faced me. "So you play the guitar, yeah?"

I puffed. "How does everyone in this room know I play?"

"I texted Charlie on the way here," Blaidd answered, his mouth stuffed with Doritos.

"Great," I replied, "I play a little."

Charlie rolled his eyes and handed me the acoustic guitar. "Just try."

I played a few Beatles songs that'd I managed to remember, and other songs that Ton had told me to learn.

"You're not bad, dude," Charlie said, nodding his head. "You're definitely in our band."

"Oh my god, we've been saying we're gonna make a band for years. I highly doubt it's gonna happen," Josh puffed.

"Well you never know," Charlie replied, banging his leg with drumsticks.

"You're an actual dick." Josh smacked him.

Blaidd finished his Doritos. Burped, and threw the packet in the bin. He then pulled out his guitar from its case.

His guitar was bright pink, huge, and amazing. He had tied multi-coloured strings to the tuning pegs, and his strap was a black and white gingham pattern.

"Very hipster."

He grinned. "His name is Humphrey."

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