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I began walking back to Cal's. Every step matched my heartbeat; heavy and powerful. Even though several minutes had gone by, I could still hear her voice; like a harmony of angels. I smiled, as I remembered how she called me Finn instead of Finley in order to tease me. My smile suddenly dropped into a frown as I remembered how passionately she spoke about her family... her mother.

Several months had gone by since I last thought about my mother. If anything, I was relieved that those thoughts of her had managed to escape my mind, up until now. It had taken me weeks to come to terms with the fact that my mother abandoned me, to begin with. That she no longer needed or wanted me anymore. I started to think if this was the case anymore. I mean, obviously I am still devastated and heartbroken that she just left me there, to fend for myself like a dog being left on the side of the road after its owner was tired of it. But now that I'm older, I'm able to think rationally and keep an open mind on the situation.

I mean, there must be a good enough reason why she did what she did... isn't there? Was I the anchor pulling her down, and keeping her from her voyage? The stray dog that got in her way? Or maybe she just wanted to give me a good life, instead of (what I'm assuming) living life on the run. Ironically, that was exactly what I was doing before I met Cal. I just want to know why she did what she did. I want to forgive her. She is my mother after all. But how can I when I don't understand what was going through her mind that night? Maybe if I get the answers, I can find closure. Maybe my mind will finally be at ease.

Upon arriving at Cal's. I managed to push the thoughts of my mother to the back of my mind. The last thing I wanted to do was push my negative energy onto him. If anything, I should be positive after my afternoon with Poppy, but something just changed on me suddenly.

"You alright, son? Thanks for holding down the fort for me, I really appreciate it," Cal said, cleaning the counters.

"Honestly Cal, it's the least I can do after everything you've done for me," I replied.

"Don't be daft! My father would be turning in his grave if he found out I was letting a young man sleep outside in the cold without a belly full of hot food," he chuckled.

I smiled. "But your great-grandson is okay with it, isn't he? With me sleeping in his room and everything? If not, I'll just-"

"Now what did I just say? Cae, you're perfectly welcome to stay here as long you need to... to get back on your feet-" He looked down for a moment. "Sorry, that sounded worse than it did in my mind."

I chuckled. "Cal. It's okay. You can say that I'm homeless. I mean not now because I'm with you, but you get the idea-"

He laughed. "Now, why don't you help me clean up, and then we can go and have supper, eh?"

I smiled again. The time a genuine smile. I could feel my eyes tear up, but I quickly dried them. I hadn't been a part of a real family before, and now everything just seems perfect; with Cal, being reunited with Josh, and of course Poppy Starr. Maybe my luck is about to change.

After supper, I practically collapsed into bed and began to think. I thought about my mother and all of the reasons why she would just leave me, all of which were ridiculous. I thought about Josh, and how coincidental this whole thing had turned out to be. I mean, if I had never run away, I probably would never have seen him again. And of course, I thought of Poppy.

When her name appeared in my mind, my heart began to beat faster and stronger. But not in a conventional way. I couldn't actually feel my heart beating, but I could sure as hell feel it; pounding and pounding so hard I thought it might explode. The sensation in my chest was then drowned out with the sound of her voice, echoing in my ears. I felt her touch on my left shoulder as if she was right next to me; holding me tight. My thoughts had been overpowered by her; my heart beating faster to everyone.

As my eyes slowly drifted off, I saw her smile once more before falling into a deep and tranquil sleep.

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