"She's turned out to be a right diva!" I joked.

"I think the word you're looking for is a little shit," she laughed.

"I heard that!" Molly yelled from the other room.

Ella and I both giggled.

"Right, I'll tell Josh that you're here," Sarah said, walking up the stairs.

"So...lost the specs did you, Ell?"

"Nope, I'm still as blind as a bat, but I've got contacts now."

"Fair play."

"Everything's been good though, with Uni and that?"

"Yeah, it's been great!" she exclaimed.

"So, how's it been with you? Long time no see, eh?" she asked.

"Great, actually," I replied.

"So, have you settled in well? With your adoption? Sorry, Josh told me about it earlier-"

"Finn! You can come up!" Josh yelled from the top of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

"Sorry Ell, I'll catch up later," I said, walking up the stairs. In a way, I'm glad that Josh had yelled. I wasn't keen on explaining right now.

His room was exactly how it was the last time I was here; the walls were still navy blue, and there were posters of his favourite band Paramore plastered on the walls. His mum had put a blow-up mattress on the floor.

"Welcome to my crib!" Josh said, lying on his bed.

"Good to be back."

"My mam said she's working on dinner, so it'll be done in about half an hour. In the meantime, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna play a round of Fortnite."

I looked confused.

"Come on! You must know what Fortnite is!"

"I don't," I muttered, shaking my head.

He looked shocked.

"I'm guessing you're going to teach me how to play?" I joked.

He nodded, grinning.

"Oh god, help me."

I won't bore you with details, but Josh taught me how to play, and it is quite good. I still don't understand what the fuss is about.

"Yes! The Joshmyster came #1 once again!" he exclaimed. I gave up in the end. I was pretty shit.

"Boys! Food is done!" Sarah shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming mam!"

"So...what is it we're having?" I asked.

"Your favourite. Spag bol."

I licked my lips.

We all sat in the dining room, munching our food.

"So...Finn...Josh tells me that you got adopted...how are they?" Sarah asked, reaching for the cheese.

"Yeah, Mr Callaghan looks after me."

"Aw, he's well lush. Good on you!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Tell him to give me sweets," Molly giggled.

"Haha. I will."

"God, your so cheeky!" Ella giggled.

We all laughed.

"So...how long have you been staying with him?" Molly asked.

"Only a night, I've had other chances to get adopted, but I feel like he was the right choice," I answered.

"No point chatting about me, eh. How've things been at work Sarah?"

"Good, I guess. Actually, good! This new man started work - his name is Paul. We were thinking of going out soon." She smiled.

Ella choked on her drink.

"That's...um...that's great Mam," she said.

"We just have to think of Molly. She gets so attached. You've had two boyfriends Mam this year," she whispered in her ear.

"Two, Ella. I've had two. I thought you'd be happy for me. For us," she whispered back.

"I just think it's not right Mam, it's been fine just us three-"

"Ella, babe, you don't understand. When you're gone, I'll be on my own-"

"I understand Mam. I'm just trying to think of Molly. Since dad left, she's gotten attached to any man that's come through this door," she interrupted.

"I'm not gonna argue with you Ells," she replied.

Ella rolled her eyes, Molly gulped.

"I...um...I'm finished...thank you so much," I said, leaving the table. I didn't want to be caught in the middle of this.

"Yeah. I think I am too. Thanks, Mam," Josh said, walking out of the room.

She smiled at us.

"Have a good night," she said. We walked up to his room and Josh face-planted his pillow.

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