One Step Closer To The End

Start from the beginning

 "Now, we wait until my Raven gets inside before we move on to the next part of my plan." Dean said smiling. "Once we know where everyone is we go in, remember to stick to the plan, you can do whatever you want in battle, but Vassago dies by my hand alone. If my family does show up, neither of you are to touch any of them, dammit. Am I understood?"

 "Yes." Keeper and Kira said together.

 "Good, be ready, we're going in on my command."


 After getting rid of the six Vamps and realizing that Dean and Keeper were missing, they returned to the monastery. Roman hoped that it was because something had happened and they had been forced to stay behind to stop whatever it was. Arriving back, they didn't see anything outside, so they rushed inside to again find nothing wrong or out of the ordinary. They quickly separated and checked each room, calling out to Dean, but got no response. They then met back up in the living room; Father O'Conner was with them, leaving the girls safely hidden in the basement.

 "They aren't here, dammit." Seth said upset.

 "They left with you, I saw them both leave, I passed them in the kitchen when I was taking the girls to the basement." Father O'Conner said confused.

 "They never met up with us." Roman said worriedly. "Where the hell could they...dammit!" He said upset, as he suddenly realized where they were.

 "The nest!" All of them said together, as they realized what happened.

 "Why would he lie to us and go alone?" Paige asked confused.

 "I...I don't know." Roman said sighing frustrated, as he ran his hands over his face.

 "Wait, where's Kira?" Zander said, before he rushed out of the room and into the basement.

 Going into the basement, he discovered that Kira wasn't there, realizing that now not only were Dean and Keeper missing, but so was Kira. He quickly rushed back upstairs to the living room where the others were still waiting, going into the room, everyone looked at him, he shook his head no.

 "Dammit!" Roman yelled upset.

 "What do we do now? Do we go after them?" Seth asked.

 "Roman?" Zander said gently, as they all turned to look at the pacing Samoan.

 "I...I don't know." Roman answered sighing again, as he stopped pacing and ran his hands over his face. "Obviously, Dean doesn't want us there for some reason, so maybe we..."

 "Hold on, Rome, you aren't seriously thinking of staying out of the battle are you?" Seth asked upset, cutting him off.

 "I don't know what to do, Seth, alright? I'm not a leader, dammit, I'm not Dean! I never asked to be the leader and I sure as hell don't want to be, someone else can do it!" Roman yelled upset.

 "Alright, calm down everyone." Zander said firmly. "We need to remember our training; we've worked too damn hard to prepare for this moment to let everything fall apart now. So, what we're going to do is we're going to go to the damn nest and help Dean finish this like we planned."

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