t h i r t y - n i n e | Allana

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm repeating over and over again. I barely slept at all last night. Why'd you asked? Well, I found out that my boyfriend, or who I thought he was, lied to me all along. Fuck.  

This sucks.

I mean, I know I've only met Harry's brother a few days ago because...well, he was behind the kidnapping and taking us hostage, but should I not believe him and not Harry? Although, it looked like Harry wasn't planning on telling me though, but to be honest, I don't know who to believe now.

"Honeyyy. Come down for breakfast. You'll be late for school" I heard mom shouting from downstairs. I groaned my face on my pillow. I glanced at my clock and saw it was 7 in the morning. School starts at 8. Although, the only thing that's going to happen today was our graduation seminar. 

I stood up and went my way over to the bathroom. I showered and I just stood there and let the water flow on top of me. I still can't get Harry out of my mind. I just don't know why I still keep thinking about him when what did was so wrong and immature. I tilted my head up and had the water flow on top of my face. I just felt a little relieved at the moment and let my thoughts wander.

I have been thinking about my problem and situation with Harry for a countless number of hours and I just cannot get him out of my head. I head out of the shower, dried myself up with the towel, and went to my room to get changed.

After changing, I brought my bag and my brush and combed my hair as I was going down the stairs. I went to the table and saw my mom cooking up some food on the stove. I sat down as she stopped cooking and placed the food on my plate.

"Eat up, sweetie. You'll need it since this will be the last day of your high school life" her voice chirped as she started making herself some coffee.

"Moooom, my graduation isn't even until Thursday. So, I still have 3 more days of school" I explained to her.

"Even so, you're still gonna graduate. I mean, you're basically done with your schoolwork" I started to gobble down on my food as mom started to talk about how yesterday I was just a little girl and now I'm almost off to college. 

"So, do you want to have your graduation party here or- " my mom was talking, but I cut her off by telling her my plans.

"Actually, mom I have plans with Hannah. We have a graduation party at a beach resort by our classmate. Her family owns one and we had already reserved a room for 4 days....is that okay with you?" I nervously asked her permission.

"Of course, sweetie. Although, would it be okay if we have dinner the night before your graduation?" she then asked an alternative way to spend time with me before the big day.

"Sure, mom" I answered back.

".....and your dad was hoping if he could eat with us too" her voice became nervous too. It's been a while since I've seen dad. I thought I would be angry, but I now realize that I just have to be brave enough to accept the kind of family I have, even if it's incomplete.

I stood up and went over to her and hugged her. I felt her shoulders moved as a sign of relief as I said "Mom, it's okay. You can invite dad and also the guy you've been dating. I mean, dad's invited to my graduation and I just want to accept the fact that no matter what's going on with him, I am still grateful for what I have right now--and that's you" 

I noticed her eyes started to tear up and soon she pulled me in for a hug. The hug was so tight and sweet and I felt a lot of love in it. I pulled away and got my bag since I was going to be late for school. "Okay, mom. I gotta go" I kissed her cheek and before I left the door, she spoke.

"Good luck, honey. Oh and, you can invite Harry for dinner too" when she mentioned his name, I breathed in and out slowly. My mother didn't know about my situation with Harry, but I tried to put on a smile for her not to see me cry.

All I said was "Sure, mom" then I left for school.

heyyy guuysss, the story is about to end though so wait for the finale hehe oh and I apologized for updating late. got a lot on my plate. woah it rhymes. HAHAH

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