t h i r t y - s e v e n | Harry

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I ran as quickly as I could. I followed George since he got a hold of Allana. I got scared and ran after them because who knows what he'll do to her, especially having a gun being pointed at her head. I heard the police pinning George's men down on the floor while I saw the boys running after Louis who was still tied up. I nodded at them before leaving.

They went at the back and noticed the back door was opened. It revealed a flight of stairs. I didn't hesitate for a bit and quickly went up. There were a lot of stairs, but that did not stop me from going up to the last step and being able to catch them.

I ran and ran and got tired, but it was only a few more steps then finally I reached to the top. I was trying to open the door, but it was a bit jammed. I tried to use my shoulders and my upper body strength to push the door open. The third push, the door swung open, revealing the roof of the building. I looked left and right and at the center, and saw George holding Allana while sticking the gun to her head.

"George, please. Just let her go" I tried begging while holding my hands out to signal him to stop and at the same time tried to calm down Allana as I can see how nervous she is. She kept on crying while her mouth was covered with a handkerchief.

"I can't do that, brother" he looked at me with his eyes started to grow big with seriousness. "You're not going to get away that easily"

"What the h*ll are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Ever since I heard about dad having another kid with a different wife, I thought that maybe he was going to be the brother I never had. I thought we were going to be treated as equals, but no" he said as he was still pointing the gun at Allana and continued talking. "You had everything you wanted. Dad loved you. Even my mom loved you. All they ever thought of me was a big f*cking burden in their lives" I was shocked with what he said. I didn't know that's what he felt about me and our family.

"That's not true" I tried to defend him.

"Oh shut up, Harry! Don't lie to me. You enjoyed being spoiled. Don't act like the victim here." he tried to argue back at me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. They treated you the way they treated me" there wasn't a time that we were both jealous of each other. I know we've experienced the same kind of treatment from our parents.

"You're wrong. They never treated me like you." he wasn't trying to get on the same page as me.

"How come?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Your education was perfect. Your friends were perfect. Your relationship with our parents were perfect. Your life? Perfect! And me? Nothing!" he still was holding Allana and tried moving around a bit because he was starting to get frustrated. Allana was getting even more nervous.

"My life wasn't perfect. I envied a lot of people......especially you" I told him. His eyes shot up in shock and looked at me.

"What?" he said.

"Sure, my life was the same as everyone else's, but one thing I got jealous of was having the coolest brother who can do whatever he wanted while I was being told 'don't do this or don't do that' " I tried to explain my side of the story.

I've always been the kid who everyone thought had everything, but having to be prohibited to do the things I want to do is just degrading that parents won't let you explore the real world by yourself. It's always their rules to follow.

I continued. "I always thought what it would be like if I had a life like yours"

"I doubt you thought of yourself like that. I even got jealous of what you have right now" he stated. I got confused on what he was talking about. My face was showing how confused I was to let him know what was he saying.

"I-I don't understand" was all I could say.

"It's right in front of you" he said. Then my eyes were directed towards Allana. Her face was also showing how confused she was.

"You mean Allana?" I asked hoping my guess was right.

"Yes. Your precious, sweet and perfect girlfriend"he replied back at me. I got hurt also on why he would be jealous of her? He continued. "She's one of the reasons why I kidnapped her. Just to show you how painful it was for me to not have everything I wanted"

"But taking her away from me won't change the past. Your past." I tried explaining to him.

"Ever since my horrible past, I tried looking for the perfect person who I can spend the rest of my life with, but all of them rejected me. When I found out what kept you from delaying the money, I found out you got distracted by her" I didn't know how bad he felt seeing me with her.

"You will find someone for you, just not her. Please? I'll do anything. Just please let her go and we can settle this man to man" I tried to convince him to let Allana go as she was still crying out of nervousness. She was beginning to be afraid of what George might do to her.

"What do you have that I don't? What did she see in you before finding out you lied to her?" he tried questioning our relationship in front of her. I glanced at her, seeing as though she was listening to what I have to say. I could see how hurt she was just by looking at her eyes.

"That I was willing to change to become someone better. Someone who learns from their mistakes and to be thankful that...." I looked at him then to her and continued saying "...... she did not give up on me no matter how my past defined me" I said those words with honesty and out of love. Her eyes became soft and I know she understood what I said.

"That's sweet" I heard a gun click as he pointed it again at her "But there's nothing you can do to stop me" I got scared and immediately ran up to him, pushed him and tackled him to the ground. He let go of Allana as she fell to the ground. 

I started punching him in the face. I felt him starting to punch back. I was on top of him and now he's on top of me. I felt his weight on me and I started to become weak. His punches became stronger and stronger and it was all out of anger and hatred. I hit his forehead with mine making him fall as I made my way on top of him. I started to give multiple punches and felt people surrounding us.

I noticed it was the police. They removed me on top of him as they immediately handcuffed George. I stayed on the ground from the pain I felt from his punches. I noticed Niall and Liam went their way over to me and helped me stand up. I looked everywhere and saw Louis he started helping Allana. I ran up to them quickly.

I helped untie the rope on her hands and and she removed the cloth on her mouth. I immediately hugged her and she did the same. "Oh God, I thought I'd lost you" I heard her crying on my shoulder. I felt how scared she was the hole time George was with her. "It's okay. I'm here" I tried calming her down rubbing her back up and down. After the hug, I helped her stood up.

Then we heard someone groaning. We noticed George was squirming from the hands of the policemen. He then got loose and ran up to us and held the gun out. He was going to target Allana, but I quickly pulled her to turn around and felt the bullet hit me on the back of my left shoulder. Allana got a hold of me, but she couldn't hold on to my weight so we both fell on the ground.

I felt the pain and the blood oozing out of me. I heard a few voices and cries from the people around me. I was laying in Allana's arms while the boys were surrounding us. "Y-You're going to be alright. P-Please don't go. I still need you. " I heard Allana crying.

I couldn't figure out what she was saying next because my sight and hearing became a blur. Then everything became black.

heyyyy omg here's another update lol hope you enjoyed this one. this story's about to end so please wait until the last chapter

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