Steek - On the house

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Request by EclipseChan123 Ngl I'd never heard of this ship before so I hope it isnt too bad

Tweek sat,  chin resting on his knees as he picked at the grass. He sighed as he looked up,  watching Craig laughing with Clyde as they drew dicks on the wall and other dumb shit that Tweek hadn't realised he would miss so much. Craig had been a shitty boyfriend one too many times and Tweek had finally gotten sick of it,  but he found himself regretting breaking up with him as he sat alone for the first time in what felt like forever. " GAH! " Tweek jumped when he heard someone sit down next to him.  He had been so caught up in what his ex friends were doing that he hadn't noticed the footsteps approaching him. " Hey dude,  you ok? " Stan asked softly. " Yea" Tweek replied unconvincingly. " Come on man,  it's ok if you're not.  You can talk to me. " Tweek sighed,  looking at Stan.  " It's just...  I'm glad I ended it with Craig but...  I guess I never realised how alone not being with him would make me. " Tweek said sadly.  " Sorry,  didn't mean to get GAH deep" Tweek apologized,  scratching his neck nervously.  " No I get it.  Trust me.  Breaking up with Wendy hurt so much,  but after a while Kyle and Kenny and even Cartman came back for me. It might take everyone a while to realise how you feel but trust me man,  it gets better.  Plus,  you can always hang out with us if you want. " Stan shrugged. " Thanks Stan,  its nice to know you're there for me" Tweek smiled. " Anytime.  I of all people know how shitty breakups can be" Stan chuckled weakly. Tweek looked over at Stan,  noticing a small glimmer of pain still behind his eyes. " I honestly don't get why Wendy broke up with you.  Huge loss for her" Tweek comforted him,  making Stan smile back.  " You really think so? " Tweek looked at Stan with a raised eyebrow. " Are you serious?  Of course!  You're so ho- uh cool" Tweek corrected himself. Stan blushed lightly.  " I uh..  I didn't realise how much I needed to hear that Tweek. Thank you. " Stan admitted,  smiling warmly at the blonde. " Hey how about we go somewhere else,  looks like its gonna rain soon. " Stan said,  motioning towards dark clouds above them. " Sure,  you got anywhere in GAH mind? " Tweek twitched. " Well there is a couple places..  But you're the one who's upset,  where do you wanna go? " Stan asked sweetly as he helped Tweek up from the floor.  " Uh..  Well we could...  No thats a dumb idea..  Maybe uh..  GAH THIS IS TOO MUCH PRESSURE! " Tweek yelled,  making Stan widen his eyes. " Hey,  tweek,  dude. Its okay.  I've got you. " Stan smiled reassuringly,  placing a hand on Tweeks shoulder and smiling when he felt his muscles relax. Tweek felt a strange calmness that he wasn't used to feeling all of a sudden. It was like Stan was physically taking his stress away.  " How about we go get some ice cream?  That always cheers me up. " Stan asked.  Usually Tweek wasn't a huge fan of anything overly sweet,  but for a reason that he couldn't quite put a finger on,  the idea of doing anything with Stan sounded really good right now. " Yea,  that would be nice" He smiled truthfully at his friend. As they walked,  Stan couldn't help but smile at the small things that he was realising that Tweek did without noticing; the way he would tuck stray hairs behind his ear every so often,  the way he would hum happily when there was a comfortable silence,  the way that he couldn't help but look like an excited child whenever a butterfly came near him. " Tweek,  I dont know if I've ever told you this but your hair is really pretty. " Stan smiled absentmindedly.  Tweek blushed,  making Stan turn slightly pink when he realised that he had said that out loud. " Pretty? " Tweek asked. " Uh..  I just mean..  Its uh...  Oh look the ice cream parlor! " Stan changed the subject.  Tweek forgot what he was asking about when he was hit by the overwhelming smell of chocolate and caramel filling the room. He felt drool filling his mouth as he looked at the options through the glass,  smiling when he noticed Stans equally excited expression. " Hello Stanley! " The woman behind the counter smiled,  and Stan waved at her in response.  " Hey Mrs Turner". " Thank your father for hooking us up with Lorde for Heidi's birthday when you see him won't you? " The woman smiled as Stan nodded,  biting his cheek as he thought about Lordes true identity.  " Who's this cutie then? " Mrs Turner asked,  turning her attention to Tweek,  who was staring in awe at the coffee flavour. " Huh? " Tweek asked,  turning around and making the woman chuckle. " Wait aren't you the Tweak's son? I think I've seen you at their shop before. " Tweek nodded in response. " Your parents make the best coffee in South Park" She smiled,  before remembering why they were there.  " Oh sorry sweeties,  what would you like? " " Could I have the GAH coffee flavour please? " Tweek asked politely. " Of course,  and you? " She asked Stan.  " Hmm...  Could I have chocolate? " He asked. " Coming right up. " She scooped their ice cream for them, waving Stans money away when he tried to pay for the both of them. " Its on the house for you two" She smiled,  earning a grateful look from both of the boys.  " Thank you! " They both chimed,  walking out of the shop happily. " That was GAH sweet of her" Tweek said,  licking his ice cream and humming in pleasure.  " Yea but she ruined my chance to impress you by paying for you like a gentleman" Stan pouted,  earning a chuckle from Tweek.  " You know I would have just put the money in your pocket when you weren't looking right? " Tweek giggled. " Shouldn't have told me that,  now next time im gonna make sure im always paying attention" Stan grinned.  " Next time? " Tweek asked through a mouthful of icecream.  " Well duh, I like you way too much to not force you to hang out again" Stan laughed.  " That is,  if you wanna? " He smiled.  " Yea,  a next time sounds great" Tweek smiled,  and he had a funny feeling that the icecream wasn't the only thing making his heart feel happy.

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