
"We are here Rosemarie." I nod and hop out of the car, leaving my luggage in there, in case I am about to drive to the airport. I go to walk inside, as no one else is here yet before I turn around.

"George?" I say, he turns around and locks eye contact with me. "Thank you. I know that I can be a butthole sometimes but you are seriously so very sweet and kind and you just... thank you. You made this trip better." He just smiles before giving me a quick hug. 

"I hope our paths cross again Rosemarie. Actually, I know they will. I have a feeling." I just laugh and then turn to walk in the building, leaving George standing outside. 

The hotel is still as fancy as yesterday. Both Harry and his assistant are standing at the entrance. 

"Rosemarie? Welcome back." Harry's assistant, who I think is named Brianna comes in and gives me a hug. Look, I know that I hug everyone but I am just that type of person. If I vibe with someone then I hug them. It is what I do. Harry obviously looks a bit confused with our sudden display of affection but hides it quickly. 

"Thanks. Harry." I say, giving him a slight nod. Brianna steps back in line with Harry and looks from him to me. Finally, she rolls her eyes and slaps Harry on the back. 

"Oh! Uh yes hi. Room?" I give him a weird look before Brianna bursts out laughing. He gives her a death stare and she quickly quiets down. "Would you like me to show you to the room. You will all have a quick meeting explaining what will happen if you don't win, then the winner will be taken to a different room with all the info and contracts and stuff." I just nod my head. He spins around and starts walking, I follow, lingering a bit behind him.

Harry is wearing casual clothes, that consist of the same pants from yesterday with a yellow top. He doesn't look at me, he keeps his eyes locked ahead of him as if trying extremely hard to remember where he has to go. I can't help but look around at the amazing hotel. Honestly, a glass of the free champagne they were serving in the lobby is probably worth more than most of the stuff in my wardrobe. The art on the walls, the design of the building itself, all just screams 'rich people live here'. Honestly loving it. 

I then realize how far behind Harry I am, yet he hasn't noticed. He is still walking with extreme determination towards what I am guessing is a door. But something in me tells me to not move. So I don't. I watch Harry continue to stride down a long hallway before he disappears around a corner. 

"Jesus..." I mutter to myself. I turn around and take slow steps up and down the hallway. There is one photo on the wall that is the most intriguing to me.

 There is one photo on the wall that is the most intriguing to me

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It makes me think of my dad. It doesn't fit in at all with the hotel's gold and white theme but it is my favorite none the less. There is a small gold square underneath it, with the engraving 'Rainbow minds'. I just stand there, staring at it. Soon I feel the coldness of my tears falling down my cheeks. I wipe them away, not breaking my eye contact with the picture.

"Rose?" I spin around to find Harry standing directly behind me. This time I refrain from punching him. "I was calling your name for like, 5 minutes. Did you not hear me?" He looks at my face, and before I know it I am sobbing in his arms. "Oh!"

"Harry I am so sorry! This is all my fault! I kissed you and then I flirted and then I told you that you cant kiss me and I am a major asshole and I am so sorry!" I wail out. I continue sobbing in his arms. The tears cause are unknown, I think it is a mixture of missing my dad, and all that has happened in the past 5 days.

"Rosemarie I-" Before he can say anything we hear a commotion at the end of the hallway. I grab his shirt and drag him down to the door I was supposed to enter with Harry like 10 minutes ago, trying to avoid any form of publicity at this moment. I peer around the corner to find it was just someone from the hotel staff scurrying around. I let out a sigh, wiping my cheeks dry, and fanning my eyes before turning to face Harry again.

"I am sorry for that... that was... weird. I guess, look. That day, that I presented my idea to you and we didn't really talk... it sucked. I missed having you there to talk too. And I know it has only been a short time and this sounds really fucking cheesy and all but I..." I stop. Not knowing how to finish this sentence. Do I say he is my friend? Even though I know deep down I want him to be so much more than that. "You are special to me Harry. And... I don't want to lose that."

His face is unreadable. He looks down at the ground. I fear I have made a terrible mistake before he looks up at me... smirking. 

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now