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Chapter Twenty|Cristian

"Are you there?" Apollo questioned through the earpiece. Aris,  Apollo, and I were all in this together. Gisella told me she wasn't feeling well, so she decided to stay behind. Even though Aris whined about it, he let her stay.

"Yeah," I responded, "Where are ya'll park at?"

"Around the corner," Aris commented, "You passed us. I tried to wave but realized you couldn't see me through the camera."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "Aris, why are you like this?"

"I like to call it, tick for tac," Aris commented. I exited out of the truck and walked towards the front door.

"What does that even mean?" I asked, "That doesn't make any sense."

"Life doesn't make any sense," He explained, "Gotta catch it by -"

"I am about to knock on the door," Interrupted him before he can finish his sentence. Don't know what got into him.

It didn't take but one knock on the door, Travis instantly unlocked the door with a not so pleasing expression on his face. I tried to hide the smirk, forcing itself on my face. Travis is trying to be so intimidating but failing. He closed the door behind him, not letting me catch who was inside.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Can't see my brother-in-law," I replied with a smile while holding up a pack of beer in his line of sight. He made a face.

He gazed down, taking a moment to conjure up spit before spittings close to my shoes, "You ain't shit to me and never will be."

My smile dropped as I placed the beers down on the ground, "Let's get to the point at hand, here."

He leaned back on the door, waiting for me to speak again. Before I could converse, another guy shuffled out. He stared me up and down before standing beside Travis.

"Who the fuck is this?" The guy spoke.

"This nigga is dating my sister," Travis told him.

I held out my hand, trying to be the fake fiance, "Her fiance, my name is Cristian."

"Oh, so you're the nigga Cristian," The dude said. He licked his lips and smirked, "I'm about to make a call."

"Nah, not yet," Travis exclaimed, "Wait that shit out."

"Travis?" I called out.

He glanced back at me, "Aye, get the fuck off my porch."

I raised my hands as I backed away. When Travis turned around to enter back into the house, I quickly pulled out my gun that was hiding in my pants.

"That's Kyle," Apollo told me as I saw him walk around the corner. I knocked on the door again but this time, it wasnt a friendly viisit.

"What the fuck did I say about-" He didn't finish his sentence as I pushed him inside, holding the gun to his back.

Kyle quickly got up and about to pull out his gun, but Aris quickly stood behind him, holding an apple in his hand, "Surprise!"

I shook my head before bringing my attention back to Travis. Apollo brought me one of the chairs in the room and tied him up. I removed my coat, placing it neatly on the couch.

"Now," I told him, "You are going to tell me the truth, and I might just let you live."

He smirked, "Suck my dick!"

I placed the brass knuckles on my hand before punching his face. He groaned, turning his face back to me.

"Let's try this again," I repeated, "And I don't like repeating myself. Take this as a warning."

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