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Chapter Three | Tyla

The lime green suit snug to my body as I rotated my body in the mirror. The two-piece complimented my skin very well felt as if it's glowing. While grabbing some strappy heels, I left my hair in its afro style. If I attempted to make some tips tonight, I might as well look the part. I also grabbed my Nike slides as a back-up.

Mya lazed on the sofa, flipping through the television channels. Her head turned toward me when she heard my heels clicked on the last step. The expression on her face shifted as the spoon dropped out her mouth onto her lap.

"Hey, ma let me get your number," She joked.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. I'll be back around 2, or 3 am."

"In the morning?" She asked, and I nodded, "Don't you have classes."

"To be honest, this was the only job that didn't reject me," I explained to her, "I need to do this no matter how tired I am."

She sighed, "As long as you okay with it,"

"Maybe I can take you some time," I suggested, and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Did I hear you correctly," Her hand wrapped around her ear, signaling to talk louder, "You wanna repeat that?"

"I'm leaving," I exclaimed while closing the door. Mya's feet thumped on the hardwood floor, racing to the door.

"I am keeping you to that offer," She said.

I smirked, "I know you are."

"Have fun," She exclaimed as the door closed behind me.

Okay. Now on to the next.
"Look, it's not a situation that you're accustomed to; it can be pretty confusing and can take a long time and a lot of money to figure out," One of the girls shared. Her blonde hair was cascading down her back when she walked; it will sway. She was taller than me, even with the heels. Peleó made sure she trained me for tonight before we open, "There are a few key elements that you need to look for."

"Like what?' I asked.

"Well, like the different guest that comes through," She explained, "The expenses account guy, aka the guy who isn't paying for it with his own money. The expense account guy is the guy who gets tables, but it's self-evident that he's not the one who's paying for it. Not all, but most are assholes."


"Don't look so grim," Her hand was placed on my shoulder, "You have the rookies, the  regulars who know everyone and the staff; lastly, you have the promoters."

"Who should I start with?" I asked.

She smirked and pointed to the first group that came in, "Why the rookies, of course."

All night. I've been in my heels all night long. I put my hand on the side of the nearest wall. My legs were so sore that every step I took was uncomfortable. I've still had an hour to go before my shift is over. The only good thing that came out of this night was the tips. I've been getting the hang of it since the time she trained me up.

From what Peleo tells me, I am better than the veteran girls who first started here. After what Maria trained me, I have been putting my serving skills from my last job to the test. The rookies were nice to finesse, but serving the regulars was the best. From where I was standing, it gave me a beautiful view of the club.

Most of the people in the club were Italians. You can tell by their accents or when they begin to talk to each other. It didn't dawn on me that I was the only black woman in this club until I looked around. And all the girls that were helpful to me don't glance my way anymore.

"There she is," my head turned around to see two of the women who work here had an angry expression on their faces.

"Can I help you?" I asked, standing up.

"I don't care who you are, but stick to your side of the club," She warned.

"I don't care who you are, but stick to your side of the club," She said.

Confusion in my voice, "What are you talking about?"

"Stop taking our clients," she folded her arms, "Stay where you belong."

"And where the hell is that?" I asked.

"In the back with the rookies," said the other girl, "The regulars would rather see us. I don't know why Peleo recruited you because you're not that cute."

"What's wrong in seeing a new face?" I stepped forward, dismissing the pain in my foot.

The pink-haired girl leaned forward mildly, "Don't try us. Remain in the back, you people like that, don't you?"

With a smile on my face, I scoffed, "Are you jealous that your customers don't want you anymore?

The girl on the left rolled her eyes as the girl on the right moved closer to me. She lifted her manicured nail in my direction and pointed.

"You don't want to get on the wrong side," She warned.

"And you don't want these problems," I pushed her finger away from my face, "Step up your game."

Before looking back at them, I hurried off. Both of the girls muttered to each other, but I've heard a word I've been struggling with since I was a teenager, "Black Bitch." It doesn't bother me now because I'm comfortable in my skin; however, back then, I did everything in my power to get lighter. It wasn't safe, but I just wanted to be accepted; shaking the thoughts out of my head, I drifted away from them.

Peleo caught me as soon as I was about to go to another table, "I have a request?"


"Why am I here?" My arms crossed around my chest as I followed behind Apollo and Aris. I was not in the mood to play games with them nor watch them get pissy drunk.

"Live a little," Apollo said.

"Yeah, and we've got a surprise for you," Aris explained. We walked straight up to the bouncer, whose focus was on the tablet.

"Names?" he said, not looking up.

"It's a shame," I started, "That I have to kill you in front of all these lovely people."

The bouncers instantly look at us from his tablet; Apollo and Aris shook their heads at me. When his eyes fell on my smirking lips, they widened, "Mi dispiace così tanto capo."

I patted his back as we passed, "Call this a warning."

With a terrified look in his eyes, he cleared his throat.  They led me to the VIP booth that looked over the crowd. The club was my pride, and my joy Apollo, Aris, and I transformed this bar into a five-star nightclub. Only the best of the best may come here. You have to make a reservation, or you're going to be stuck outside in the line.

I was irritated, to say the least; there was so much to do before I was taking over. Aris walked over to me and handed me a beer, "Drink it up."

"You're not allowed to be intoxicated," I pulled the bottle out of his hand and set it on the floor.

"I'm almost an adult, "He complains, "I can have at least one of those."

"Why do you have me out here?" I asked him.

Apollo stood up from his chair, pointing to a section in the corner of the room. Her back faced away from us. From where I'm standing, her back view had an impression on me, which inadvertently made me lick my lips.

"Who is it?" I wondered.

"That's her," Answered Aris.


Apollo took a sip of his beer, "The one we've been looking for."

We observed as Peleo tapped her arm and turned to us. I took another sip of my drink when she glanced in our direction. She shook her head and walked away from him.

"Get her to me," I commanded, "Now."

Let the games begin.

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