Thirty Two

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'Oh wow!' Abbie exclaimed, as I stepped through the gates to find her waiting for me just inside. 'You look good today!'

'So I look like shit every other day?' I joked, before laughing and nudging her softly.

'Geez, what's going on with you?' she asked, as she linked my arm and we crossed campus together. 'You're a totally different Amelia to yesterday, it's like you-.'

She stopped talking and looked at me with raised brows and I frowned at her creepy stare.

'What?' I asked.

'What happened with Ryker?' she asked, her voice deep and curious.

'Is it that obvious?' I chuckled.

'It's obvious you two clearly made up because you're chirpy as hell and your makeup looks fire,' she said. 'I was expecting a pale-faced, messy-haired, miserable Amelia to walk through those gates and throw an insult of some kind right at me.'

'Well, yes...we made up,' I told her.

'I'm so glad!' she said, grinning happily. 'So, I guess he felt pretty bad about how he was at the campsite and about ignoring you yesterday then.'

'He sure did,' I replied, smirking as I was dying to blurt it out to her.

'Did he call you then?' she asked.

'No,' I replied. 'He knocked on my bedroom window last night and then he climbed into my room and he apologised.'

'Oh god, of course he did!' she laughed. 'I like that he went for the dramatic comeback; proper nineties, teen movie style.'

'He told me he loved me,' I said, smiling to myself as I told her.

'That is so sweet!' she squealed. 'I'm hoping you said it back!'

'I did,' I replied, keeping my eyes forward as I smiled softly.

'Thank god!' Abbie cried, before giggling cutely. 'So, then what happened? Did you guys make it official before he slid back down the drainpipe?'

',' I replied. 'He didn't slide back down the drainpipe. He didn't leave.'

'What do you mean?' she asked.

'Oh nothing...' I teased. 'We just kind of had sex.'

I heard her gasp before my arm was yanked so hard my shoulder almost popped out as Abbie halted and spun me around, pulling me to the side of the school hall as we stepped through the main doors.

'Shut the fuck up!' she cried, gaping at me in shock. 'Is that a joke?'

'No,' I laughed. 'I swear to you, I'm not kidding.'

'You had sex?' she asked. 'You lost your virginity and you didn't call me right after!'

'I fell asleep!' I replied. 'Like I said, he didn't leave, he was just gone in the morning before Christine got up.'

'Amelia!' Abbie squealed. 'I can't believe this, I'm so happy for you! What was it like?'

'Well, it hurt,' I told her. 'It's still a bit sore now but I expected it to hurt of course and it eased off after a little while and then it felt...nice.'

'Is the pain as bad as we always imagined?' Abbie asked.

'I guess it was kind of bad,' I said. 'Like a sting and then it dulls a little. It still ached all the way through it but I kind of just got used to it and then it felt good.'

'Did' she asked, pressing her lips together bashfully.

'Yes,' I replied, and we both squealed and burst out laughing.

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