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'Hey babe!' I called, joyfully, as I skipped over to my boyfriend Mason Miller, stood at his locker.

'Wow,' he replied, as he glanced up and took in my new hair colour, blinking several times as he studied it. 'That's...different.'

'Do you like it?' I asked, leaning against the lockers and giving him an adorable smile.

'Yeah!' Mason exclaimed, as a wide smile appeared on his face. 'You look beautiful.'

He leaned over to me and pecked me softly on the lips, making me reach up and caress his jaw line with my fingertips as I softly kissed him back.

With his bright green eyes, short blonde hair, perfectly flawless skin and toned physique, my boyfriend certainly was the most handsome boy in our school. Pretty much every girl had a crush on him and it made it even better that every girl hated me. I didn't give a shit and I spoke my mind, something most of the girls didn't appreciate and they hated me even more once I started dating Mason. It was flattering knowing that I was the main topic of their lunch table conversations.

'Are you still coming to my house tonight?' I asked him, as he closed his locker and we headed down the hall hand in hand.

'Of course,' he replied. 'I told you I would tutor you for your maths test and I wouldn't break a promise, would I?'

'Well, I was hoping we would actually not study at all,' I giggled.

'We'll be studying, Amelia,' he said, sternly. 'I want you to do well and there's plenty of time for that after you pass.'

'Fine,' I grumbled, as we turned a corner and headed towards my English classroom.

There'd been a lot of times over the last year when Mason had been around my place or I'd been around his and there had been no parents home. It had always been the perfect opportunity for us to finally seal the deal on our relationship and for me to finally lose my v-card and Mason too. We were both going to experience our first times together. For a girl who'd spent years doing whatever she wanted and who'd hung out with the worst kind of people, it was embarrassing to me that I was still a virgin. Had I not met Mason, I probably would have lost it to some loser but I was so excited that it was going to be him. We loved each other, so it was going to be perfect.

The only thing was, everytime we were alone, Mason would tell me that he didn't think it was the right time; he didn't think we were ready. This was something that irritated me as my biggest hate was people speaking on my behalf and thinking they know me better than I do. He wanted our first time to be romantic and perfect and he said when the time was right, we would both know. He was too nice sometimes and it could be pretty annoying but I tried to tell myself that I had a caring and respectful boyfriend, which was something not a lot of girls around here could say.

'This is you,' Mason said, nodding his head to the classroom door. 'Meet you at the end of the day at the gates?'

'Yeah,' I replied. 'Thanks for walking me to class.'

'You're very welcome,' he said, stepping closer to kiss me and I held myself close to him so I could kiss him as long as possible.

'Enough of that!' The voice of my English teacher Mr. Stanley made us break apart quickly and he pushed himself in between us to head into his classroom. I giggled as Mason smirked and blushed a little before he planted a soft kiss on my forehead and began to head off.

'See you later,' he said, giving me a gloriously hot side smile and a quick wave. 'I love you.'

'I love you,' I replied, feeling giddy as I watched him turn away, before my smile quickly faded and turned into a frown as I prepared to face the mockery I was about to receive from Mr. Stanley in this class.

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