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'Oh, Amelia!' Abbie called, from where she was sat in a booth next to Mason.

She waved frantically with a huge smile as Mason sat with an awkward grin and I rolled my eyes as I strolled through the pizza parlour and joined them in the opposite seat.

'I ordered your coke,' Abby said.

'Thanks,' I replied, trying my best to avoid Mason's eyes.

' yeah, here's the menu,' Abbie said, sliding it across the table to me.

'I always order the same thing,' I reminded her.

'Okay, so we can order then! Great! Waitress!' Abbie was acting uncomfortable and frantic, all because she knew that Mason and I had fallen out. She was terrible in these situations. 'Hi, can I please order just a 10-inch pepperoni, thank you.'

'12-inch meat feast for me, please,' Mason told her.

'Yeah, I'll have a 10-inch Hawaiian, thanks,' I said, sliding the menu across the table to her.

'Pineapple on pizza, eh?' My eyes shot open widely as I glanced up to see Ryker approaching our table.

What the actual fuck?!

'Oh, hell no,' I muttered to myself, as he grinned at me.

'You surprise me more and more everyday, Flossy,' he said. 'Yeah, just a large root beer for me, thanks.'

'You're not eating?' Mason asked, as Ryker slid into the booth next to me.

'Nope,' Ryker replied. 'I don't plan on staying long.'

'What are you doing here?' I asked. 'You weren't invited.'

'How could I let poor Abbie sit and deal with the torture of being stuck with you two not saying a word to each other?' he asked me, with a smirk.

I immediately turned my head to Mason who looked guilty as hell. 'You fucking told him?'

'He's my best friend,' Mason replied, almost stuttering. 'I tell him everything.'

'Yeah, Flossy, everythinggg,' Ryker said, giving me a wink.

'Okay, move,' I said, trying to push Ryker out of the booth. 'I'm not staying here with you guys.'

'You've already ordered!' Abbie cried. 'Just stay!'

'No, thanks!' I exclaimed. 'Ryker can have mine.'

'Ergh, a fucking hawaiian; no thanks, I'm not eating that shit,' he scoffed.

'Amelia!' Abbie said, sternly. 'You're not going anywhere! Sit your arse down!'

I breathed in as I glared at her with flared nostrils and let my arse drop back into the seat.

'Wow, there is actually someone who can keep you under control,' Ryker said.

'If you don't want to be wearing this coke, I suggest you shut your mouth,' I told him.

'Okay, now that we're all here, it's time to get a few things out in the open,' Abbie said. 'First of all, Mason, talk to your girlfriend.'

'Okay, yes,' Mason said, leaning down to look straight at me. 'Amelia, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday; I mean it! I really really feel like a prick for it so please forgive me. I'll make it up to you.'

I narrowed my eyes at him before slowly closing them and letting out a breath. It didn't take long to cave where Mason's beautiful eyes were concerned.

'Fine,' I sighed. 'I forgive you but I'd rather we discuss it further later, when we don't have company.'

'Of course,' Mason said, as he nodded, a huge grin spreading on his face.

Hurricane LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon