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'He actually said that?' Abbie asked me, as we sat on the edge of the stone wall that ran miles across the beach.

I continued to snap away on my camera, taking pictures of the sun on the water and subtly capturing some images of a few couples walking hand in hand or embracing each other.

'Yeah,' I murmured. 'He said he liked it. I don't know what kind of game he's playing but I honestly just don't have the energy to deal with him right now.'

'Maybe he meant it,' Abbie said.

I turned and snapped a quick picture of her, making her frown at me.

'Stop that,' she said. 'I wasn't ready!'

'Those are the most beautiful ones, Ab,' I said, with a chuckle. 'Anyway, of course he didn't mean it. He could never compliment anyone.'

'Yeah, especially you. No offence,' she said.

'None taken,' I replied. 'You're right. I'm number one on his hate list.'

'Well, as long as you stick to your plan of just ignoring him and pretending he doesn't exist you'll be fine,' she said. 'Focus on you and Mason.'

'That's exactly what I will be doing,' I said. 'I'm staying at his place tonight.'

'So...do you think this could be the night?' she asked.

'I don't get my hopes up,' I said, with a shrug. 'I mean...I have to remind myself that he is a virgin too so of course he's probably really nervous and just wants it to be perfect. I can wait.'

'An actual guy in our high school who values his virginity,' Abbie chuckled. 'It's crazy.'

'It really is,' I agreed. 'But Mason is such a strong person who really respects himself and I'm just lucky that I'm the one that got him before some skanky whore took his v-card from him.'

'He would never go with a skanky whore anyway,' Abbie laughed. 'Like Cassie Donovan.'

'Biggest skanky whore ever!' I cried, and we both laughed. 'We sound like total bitches right now but it's not like she doesn't admit it.'

'Yeah, she's pretty open about her sexual encounters,' Abbie said. 'I was partnered with her for a science project once and she decided to tell me about her and Jamie Chalmers doing it on the school field under the bleachers.'

'That's just wrong,' I laughed.

'I know!' Abbie chuckled.

We spent a little more time strolling across the sand as I snapped some more pictures before we headed back to the main road where Abbie's mum arrived for us and she drove to my house, waiting in the car for me while I ran inside.

I gave Christine a quick hello before heading up to my room and grabbing my overnight bag that I'd prepared. Quickly running back down the stairs, I stopped at the lounge door where Christine was focused on a TV soap as she guzzled on her glass of red.

'I'm staying at Abbie's,' I said, knowing it was easier to lie than have an argument.

'On a school night?' she asked.

'We have a big test to study for,' I told her.

'Fine,' she said, rolling her eyes. 'Lock the door behind you.'

'Thanks!' I called, heading out the door and locking up before returning to the car. Mrs Baker had offered to drop me off at Mason's with it being on the way back to her home.

We drove the short journey to Mason's house where we were greeted with wide open gates and tons of people lingering around the property.

'What the hell?' I muttered. 'Mrs Baker, could you drive up to the house please?'

Hurricane Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें