A Surprise for Win

Start from the beginning

I love you Win. I love you more than words and actions combined.

-Love, Bright

I smiled and picked up the dish covering my breakfast. He even knew what I like to eat for breakfast. I heated it up in the microwave and took syrup from the fridge. I ran back upstairs to pick up my phone and came back down to eat my breakfast. He said I couldn't leave but that doesn't mean I can't invite people over.

I smirked to myself as I dialed Rachel's and JJ's number. They get along with each other now so that means Rachel shouldn't be mad or be reluctant to coming here. Rachel picked up first and I smiled. "Puppy! You want to come over?" I was excited to finally hang out with them and I hope she says yes. "Why?! What did that wolf do now? Tell me, is he-" I faced palm. "No he is not hurting me. Just… do you want to come over or not?" I asked as my enthusiasm slightly deflated.

I heard a chuckle over the other line. JJ's on! Yeah I just decided to three way the call because I was too lazy to call them individually. "So what's up?" I heard JJ's cheerful voice and it made me smile. "Wanna come over?" I asked him. "I'll go if you go Kitten." I heard Rachel talk to JJ. "Woah, didn't know you were on the line too! But yeah let's hang out! Bright's, wait. Win and Bright's house?" JJ joked around and Rachel huffed.

I laughed. "Yeah guys! Come over! When are you both free from work?" Rachel worked at a café owned by our friend Melon and JJ worked at an office as a secretary. They're both liked so they can answer their phones on the job. "Cool, can I be there by lunch?" JJ asked. "Yeah, Puppy?" The lined was quiet for a moment but she answered. "Same time, maybe an hour later." I felt my blood coarse through my veins because I was so excited! "Ok see you guys in a few, bye!" I hanged up and walked around the house.

I had to get ready before Rachel and JJ comes. Bright kept a DVD player in both living rooms so I didn't have to carry the player around. Sadly he kept the movies I like upstairs and not downstairs. So I picked up all the Disney movies, comedy movies, and a few horror movies so we could watch them. I know people usually preferred to watch movies at night but I don't mind watching them in the daytime too.

I took a quick shower and then picked up my 3DS that I bought second handed. It was expensive to buy full price and the one that was second handed was half price. Besides Rachel and JJ had one too! It was just me who didn't. I carried my game chips that were held in a small bag, came downstairs and waited for my friends to come. It was thirty minutes before 12:00 so I decided to bring out soda for them.

Bright hates that I eat junk food and drink sugary drinks but he still buys them for me. Although he does threaten me if I eat or drink too much of it, he says he'll stop buying it. So far I'm in the safe zone.

The doorbell rang five minutes after 12 and I looked through the peephole just to double check. I wouldn't want to be taken away again. I saw my catlike friend and opened it immediately. "Kitten!" I hugged him and pulled away. "Hey Bunny!" We heard a car come close and saw it pull up to JJ's car. It was Rachel. "Puppy!" I shouted and JJ waved.

I invited them both in and we began to chat away about things. "Hey let's watch a movie! I brought out all the things we would like and things that are obviously picked by me." JJ flinched when he saw the horror movies. "Yeah, I can see that." He eyed it and I playfully hit his shoulder. "Don't worry there's still light out and you can sit between Rachel and me. He nodded. Rachel picked up the Conjuring and smirked. "This one." I nodded and JJ went pale. "You both are seriously trying to kill me." I hugged him. "No we aren't! we love you so much!" He rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Rachel put in the DVD while I walked into the kitchen to make popcorn and bring other snacks. "Wow, that's a lot of snacks. Does he buy them for you?" I turned around and saw Rachel and JJ gawking at the closet full of my snacks. "Yeah and before you get mad at him, he makes sure I don't eat too much. If I do he's taking them away." I laughed and they nodded.

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