• (O) Hanamiya Makoto x Reader

23 2 1


Word Count: 1287


Your POV

You watch in horror as your brother, Kiyoshi, falls to the ground. You had warned him about his knee and begged him not to play, but he was extremely persistent. He just had to be there for his team. Classic Kiyoshi.

"Nii-Chan!!" You jolt out of your seat, watching as his teammates help him up and bring him to the bench.

'God, he's such an idiot!!'

You growl under your breath as you sit back down, "I told you not to play, you dumbass..!"

Kiyoshi scattered his eyes around and saw you, giving you a smile and thumbs up to ensure you knew he was fine, even though you were already convinced he wasn't.

In return, you glare at him and give him the middle finger, "I told you not to play dumbass!!"

You didn't care if people gave you looks. He was your big brother. You knew how selfless he could be at times. He'd be so busy doing things for people that he forgets himself in the process, and you were in charge of him when that happened.

The entire Seirin team looks at you at your little outburst. They all knew who you were since you were their captain's little sister and knew how protective you were of him, so it didn't come as a surprise that you'd be yelling at him from across the gym in front of dozens of people.

However, as you sit in your seat, your eyes wander over to the opposing team. One man seemed almost entertained by seeing Kiyoshi in such pain, to see such a strong player be benched for the rest of the game.

'Hanamiya, huh?'

It didn't take much to realize that he was the main reason the player 'coincidentally' missed the ball despite having such a huge advantage, landing on Kiyoshi's bad knee.

The player who missed the ball was fast. With Kiyoshi on a bad knee, he should've easily gotten the ball. There was no way he could've missed it unless he did it on purpose.

He also made brief eye contact with Hanamiya before the incident happened. Was it all set up?

As you continue to watch the game, paying special attention to Hanamiya, you notice his small patterns. He sent out very discreet signals to his teammates, and every single one of them led to foul play.

This made your blood boil.

How dare he target your brother first?!


When the game had ended, you walked out to the parking lot to start the car, only to see Hanamiya putting his bags away in his trunk.

You didn't even have to think twice.

"Hey, asshole!!" You storm right up to him.

Hanamiya looks at you annoyedly, "The hell do you want?"

"The hell do I want? I want to know what the hell's your problem with my brother!" You were seething with anger as the memory of watching Kiyoshi fall to the ground played in your head.

"Huh?" He stared at you blankly.

"I saw what you did back there, you prick! Purposefully injuring the strong players so you can easily overpower the weak? That's a low move. You must be extremely desperate to win if you have to resort to that." You spat at him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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