• (L) Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader

113 24 10

Don't Ignore Me

Word Count: 1432


Your POV

You sat beside your boyfriend, humming softly on his bed. You were scrolling through your tablet, and he was just lying there, being the naturally lazy giant he is.

He tugged on your shirt.

"Reader-chin.." He called out, but you ignored him, scrolling some more.

You were reading fan fiction on your tablet, one of your favourites. He frowned at this and tugged on your arm.

"Reader-chin..!!" Once again, you ignored him, smiling.

"Ahh, no way!!" You fangirled, squealing and giggling at the scene you just read.

Murasakibara growled and took your tablet from you, throwing it across the room.

You gasped and looked at him in shock.

"Mura! Why did you do that? I was finally going to see what happened next!" You get up to retrieve your tablet, but two large, powerful arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back onto the bed.

"Stop ignoring me.." He pouted, and you looked at him.

"I was just reading, Mura. I'm almost done, I promise. After that, I'll do whatever you want me to do with you. Okay?" You smiled at him, and he nodded, slowly letting go of you.

You grabbed your tablet and instantly went back to reading. After finishing the book's ending with teary eyes, you opened the sequel.

Murasakibara grew impatient once more and grabbed your tablet again. Only this time, he threw it against the wall. Hard. Your tablet cracked and turned off, no longer operational from the damage.

Your eyes widened as you covered your mouth in shock.

"Mura! Why?!" You turn to look at him and instantly tense up.

He had a dark aura around him as he pulled you close to him, completely different from his usual childish-like mannerisms.

"Reader-chin keeps ignoring me.." He mumbled in a low voice.

"Mura..?" You smile nervously at his words.

"Reader-chin's been bad.. Reader-chin needs to be punished.." He said as he stared into your eyes.

"Wha—?" Before you could say anything, Murasakibara had you pinned to the bed underneath him, the usually slow giant moving faster than you'd ever seen him move.

You open your mouth to say something, and Murasakibara takes this chance to shove his large tongue inside your more petite mouth. He licked around your cavern, leaving no spot untouched as his large hands roamed around your body, eventually grabbing your ass.

You didn't know Murasakibara had this side to him.

'What the hell has Aomine been teaching him...?!'

He made quick work of your clothes, and before you knew it, you were naked underneath this behemoth of a man.


You looked up at Murasakibara, and he smiled.

"Reader-chin looks delicious~ Can I have a taste?~" He said as he leaned down.

'W-Wha?! No way!!'

You shake your head, too flustered for words, as you try to push him away with red cheeks. He grabbed your wrists and easily pinned them down above your head with one hand.

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