• (O) Kise Ryouta x Idol!Reader

93 25 11


Word Count: 1191


Your POV

You sigh tiredly as you lay on the couch in your dressing room. You were tired from your last photo shoot. In fact, you were tired of everything.

You see, your parents pushed you into your current glamorous life. It wasn't what you wanted, but you knew better than to cross them.

You didn't want to live this life anymore. You had no privacy and no honesty from ANYONE around you. They were always either after your fame or your money.

You no longer felt like you could trust anyone; it was a horrible feeling.


Well, almost anyone.

You smile as a certain blonde barges into your room, running to you.

"Yes, Kise?"

Kise Ryouta was one of the few people you could trust. He had earned it back when you were new to being an idol. He showed you the ropes and even hooked you up to a few sponsors, which increased your popularity.

It was both good and bad. It was good because your parents were proud of you but also bad because of all the fake people your fame attracted.

Either way, you were happy for his kindness, even though you were too timid to ask for it. This proved to you that he acted upon his heart and made you believe he could be trusted.

"Reader-cchi, where have you been?! I was looking for you everywhere!!" He pouts, takes your hands, and helps you rise to your feet.

You groan tiredly. Kise was a fantastic friend, but sometimes you just preferred to sleep.

"I was trying to relax..~" You whine, but he drags you along to who knows where.

"No time to relax! We still have the fundraiser to do!"

You had come up with the fundraiser to help raise money for charity, and Kise was more than happy to help you. Well, more like make you now.


Kise smiles as you plop back down on your couch.

"Hey Reader-cchi, are you busy tonight? I was going to go out with a few good friends, and I want you to meet them."

"Hm? Why?" You look up at him.

He gave you a look.

"You know why. I don't want you to isolate yourself forever!"

He knew about a lot of your problems since you talked to him about EVERYTHING. He knew your insecurities, your fears, your worst nightmares, everything. Surprisingly, he was a very good listener—when he wanted to be, that is.

"Ugh. Okay, fine." You get up and get ready, changing into more casual clothes.

You wear a cap and sunglasses to disguise yourself.


"Hey guys!" Kise called out to a group of colourful-haired guys.

"This is my friend, Reader. She's going to hang out with us since I want her to practice being more social." He beamed, pushing you forward.

You waved awkwardly and looked down, too shy to make eye contact with any of them. As if they couldn't tell.

Kuroko No Basket [O/L]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें